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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. i never said he was from London. i said he was from the UK. Does your brain not compute that London is the capital and known center of the country?
  2. "not from London" LMFAO. So I gotta take whatever suburb or town he's from as my example? The fuck outta here.
  3. HOMICIDE RATES... Because getting permanently disfigured for life in an acid attack isn't technically a "homicide." -Jehurey
  4. As an American, I would feel batshit scared walking through London past 7 PM. Ah yes, you are "truly" safe in your dystopian shithole.
  5. It all goes back to Neil DeGrasse Tyson's post. I don't see you protesting medical errors and calling for laws. I don't see you protesting the Flu. I don't see you protesting suicide and cars. These things kill astronomically more people than guns. Yet you are calling us "crazy" for supporting basic rights that have remained intact for hundreds of years.
  6. why do people like BOTW so much as opposed to Xenoblade 2 Someone sell me on BOTW and what makes it so enjoyable.
  7. Look at the UK today. It's a laughing stock across the world. London is a laughing stock on YouTube. How many lives did you save by banning guns in London, the knife-capital of hte world? And you can honestly say you're proud of all that?
  8. That's too much logic for Gouk. His brain might not get it and he might ask you to "prove" it again.
  9. I mean, I think there's an assumption here. Democrats have made certain people believe that banning guns will some how "solve" something. As if the slimey Democrat politician is so "concerned" about people and their loved ones, that they're doing this ban out of the "goodness" of their hearts and not for ulterior motives. Come on, people. Wake up.
  10. Which one would you get? Am leaning heavily toward Xenoblade 2. Never played the first one. Just looks gorgeous graphically and the story looks cool.
  11. No, instead they'll turn to knives and stabbings. Like in London. Yet I don't see you arguing we should ban knives.
  12. You have no idea how war, territorial control, numbers, and strategy works. It's not as simple as sending drones in to bomb people. Otherwise, we'd have won in the Middle East and not spent 10 years there worthlessly doing nothing. And that's against a FOREIGN enemy, not a civil war.
  13. I live in constant fear that a shooting will happen because we didn't ban guns via the government.
  14. Hold on... Imma stop this imperial power with armies, muskets, resources, troops, with a bunch of farmers and some guns... BRB Clown.
  15. When you study History, 50 years ago is actually a short time. I know you don't have a good sense of history and analytic thinking in that regard, but that's the truth.
  16. Incremental changes today will lead to massive changes in time. Like the boiling frog theory. You give the democrats an inch on gay rights, and then in 20 years time they'll be arguing you're a bigot if your children aren't trannies.
  17. So the 130 people that died in Paris just four years ago wasn't a mass shooting? LMFAO. "exclusive to America"
  18. If anything, crime has even gone down supposedly. Taking away guns is about cementing government and political power, not about keeping people "safe."
  19. Being overly suspicious never hurt anyone. Being overly trusting has gotten hundreds of millions killed.
  20. We've been doing fine for centuries. But all of a sudden the govt needs to step in? Stop relying on emotion and think this through logically. You think the government is going to make you more safe by taking away everyone and anyone's ability to own a gun? I used to be mum about the issue until I realized that Dems were appealing to emotions and fear rather than rational thinking.
  21. NO ONE IS TAKING AWAY YOUR GUNS INSTANTLY... They're just implementing slow changes and normalizing it over the next 30 years, and THEN implementing the final ban. Just like they did with this tranny shit, as well as pedophilia. How slow are you that you can't realize what's happening?
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