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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. Yeah steam got weird with the pricing. Real weird.
  2. Thanks for giving me that helpful advice when I made my GTA thread. Asshole.
  3. Trump Derangement Syndrome? I thought only ugly females had that.
  4. Lol the US is doing the best it's ever done in a decade, thanks to the Trump effect. Why would we nuke that?
  5. Do you people have any idea what would happen if this country went into anarchy? Or what if it was invaded? Or what if the government grew too oppressive and people wanted to rebel? Or what if someone like (gasp) TRUMP took over as dictator and took away all guns and resistance? In these scenarios and countless others, those with the guns would have full control over you and your lives - permanently. This is what people with a short attention span and without A future-oriented attitude fail to realize. Do you believe these things will never happpen? But like bleating sheep, on cue,
  6. He's so fucking right. "Our emotions respond more to spectacle than to date." Why aren't the idiots here and elsewhere protesting suicide and car accidents? Do you have any idea how much more they kill than shootings?
  7. Yes. I recall him saying he's from Europe a few years ago. Unless he moved here recently, he's not American.
  8. You know he's not even from america and hes always here in these threads arguing we should ban this, we should regulate this, etc. HE DOESNT EVEN LIVE HERE. he lives in Europe.
  9. You can apply this logic to anything. "My cars are more important than my children!" in response to someone who doesn't want to ban all cars. etc. Keep trying, though.
  10. It's weird that immediately after the shooting Beto Rourke starts giving an emotional speech about it, and it's broadcasted on all MSM. His body language micro-expressions even showed him gleefully smiling.
  11. Ah I see. So it's only a problem if 16 people die in one day, and not if 16 people die over the span of 3 days. Got it.
  12. ROFF Poitras acting as if he's in Good Will Hunting
  13. And you never considered that an Antifa member would impersonate a white racist, in order to stir up animosity for them?
  14. This was almost certainly an Antifa member.
  15. Fuck man PS2 owns. I can still spend hours playing its games. Better than 90% of today's garbage. I really gotta get me one I'm basically gonna make my house look like this but in PS2 form:
  16. Maybe it's a natural selection type thing? As in, all the faulty fatboys died instantly, and the rest are only the strongest of the strong so they will never die? lmao.
  17. Back in the day, it was the EXACT opposite. The Slim would last, while the Original would die in 3 months literally.
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