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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. that guy that attacked him is cringe. he should be charged with assault.
  2. You know that he spent 2 years here alone posting with himself, right? I highly doubt me acknowledging him will have any effect on him at all.
  3. So everyone is just going to awkwardly ignore Jimbo's post in this thread?
  4. is the silent hill stuff worth watching on youtube as a movie?
  5. I miss the Max Payne 1 + 2 experience
  6. . . . isn't this a game about violently goring enemies to death with blades, guns, and explosives? THESE PEOPLE ARE BORDERLINE RETARDED
  7. Sounds right up this Jerry fag's alley.
  8. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
  9. Just the first thing that popped up on google
  10. One of the most amazing games ever created. Anyone here actually think that garbageheap VTM 2 will live up to this masterpiece?
  11. That sounds cool. Might watch it again some day.
  12. Yes, I believe you hit the nail right on the head. He reminds me exactly of the left-wing antifa 40 y/os on neogaf.
  13. So I had a question: I'm working on a dispositive motion and planning to use the Iqbal standard to legally argue the insufficiency of the complaint. Do FRCP 56 motions require a hearing? If so, how would I schedule that? Anyone know? Thanks.
  14. this scene is a direct plagiarization of Alien. sad what movies have come to
  15. Lmfao it's so hard to focus on work when ur at home in front of ur pc. Good luck.
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