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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. I saw it and didn't understand why people liked it so much. Can you explain? shit's confusing. I don't think I even remember the plot.
  2. Just two days ago watched The Pelican Brief (from 1993 I think). Loved it. It's a thriller/mystery with that '90's vibe.
  3. You sure love baiting people into 10+ page arguments that go nowhere and lead in circles. Why would you do that unless you were lonely?
  4. go back to not posting for 8 years kthx
  5. So why did you avoid any of that post? Truth hurts, huh? Is this another "jerry go round" attempt? Where you skirt the substance and engage people for 10+ pages? Man, you are one pathetic worm. I bet you get off on this.
  6. Srs question: How do you live? You always talk of people being incels, but...who is your boyfriend/girlfriend? You don't have any kids & live with ur bro. You also never talk about your job, and are definitely 35+. The most passionate I've seen you is here vehemently supporting welfare programs under O'Bummer. What a piece of work you are.
  7. The thing where he keeps debating people endlessly by selectively ignoring key information? For real This guy could argue with you for 10 pages that the sky isn't blue. I think it's for attention/loneliness. Delusional, antifa-pedo freak.
  8. Why are these people obsessed with "pride." I dont really care about peoples sexualities, but if I see one more rainbow flag I'm gonna scream. It's everywhere.
  9. "hey loser, get a life! Submit to globohomo and globofem! Fucking loser. [snickers] Can't believe he didn't submit to global liberalism and chop his dick off yet."
  10. Jon? You're OBSESSED with him. Good to know he gave you a dicking so hard that you fantasize about his peen when you go to sleep. :)
  11. ROFL you probably don't clean your room as a "protest" against Trump. HAHAHAHHAHAHA HOLY SHIT
  13. LMFAO Liberals are now doing this en masse as a "protest" against Trump Jerry's idols ! ROFF
  14. look, i'd rather there be nothingness in place of your posts. that's how fucking bad they are.
  15. thanks. what case? also, any alternative gfx cards at that price range or even lower?
  16. psu: 650 watt corsair cmpsu-650txv2 case: NZXT Guardian 921 RB gaming case videocard: gtx 460 - 1gb single card motherboard: asus m5a97 - amd 970 hdd: dont know, just has 500gb process: amd phenom ii x4 925 cpu (4x 2.8 ghz)
  17. Probably nothing? The mobos are probably incompatible. Maybe ram at most?
  18. My current pc is outdated (from 2012). Can anyone recommend me some parts? My budget is 400 - 600 max. I want to use it to internet surf with no delay/hiccup, as well as to play games on occasion.
  19. "It's just a bit of saliva, just eat it! It even has extra protein" -jehurey
  20. You're trying to lower everyone's living standards in the name of 'diversity'
  21. Not on switch means it ain't shit
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