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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. I kill every bug I see in my house
  2. Some of us have living standards, unlike you. Contaminating public food is gross and a felony crime.
  3. she committed a FELONY you tard what part of that are you not understanding?
  4. Let me guess, the dindu nuffin that committed this crime is a college student studying hard and this is just a one-time thing out of character? Jerry
  5. Some guy photoshopped fake tits on some bitch. Oh no! The immorality of it!
  6. 20k users polled...you mean 20k idiots right? Switch won by a mile.
  7. "transition" as if it's one of those gender reassignment surgeries lmfao
  8. I "need" a necessity. And so what ?
  9. So I take it you bought thirty subscriptions and programs?
  10. That's cool. It's on my list of countries to visit some day before I die looks very cool.
  11. Mostly to win vs. people online. I notice single player games pretty much never hold my attention anymore.
  12. Breath of the Wild and Mario Maker 2
  13. My thought is that she's a thot.
  14. I'm pretty sure her real boobs look nowhere near that good but ok
  15. I thought you were in Belgium? lol how is estonia? sounds like a cool country actually
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