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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. So this is the face...of the devious spidapig...
  2. how long did it take you to get to this point? did you have any drawing skills at all beforehand?
  3. LOL I remember you recommending Legends of the Galactic years and years ago to everyone. they remade legends in 2018. (hence this thread). But Animation seems like a clunky joke compared to the 1980s one. (more evidence of how we fell as a culture lol) And thanks for those other suggestions, I will check them out
  4. kys if you pay over ~1k on a computer of any type
  5. I'm just a neutral resident in the city, uninvolved with the crime(s). But I watch the detective walk slowly through the grey slum from my window in the high-rise. I turn from the window, groan, and go to make my cereal after a long day's work at the office.
  6. A detective in a scifi future walking through grey urban landscapes as he investigates a series of mysterious killings
  7. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg did nothing wrong.
  8. I watch animes set in sci fi futures whilst I rape Cows. ;D
  9. is it any good? might watch it. Space anime TCHBR ! :-D
  10. guilty, eternity, jamms, cobra gt, and xelle? . . . kys
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