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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. So, long story short, I need to make a website that looks like a small company. It has to look legit. Anyone have any advice on the best way to accomplish this? Wix? GoDaddy? total n00b here.
  2. I didn't say diet coke was better than water. I said it was better than regular soda.
  3. Sugar has calories. I'm assuming you think 150 calories a can is healthy? A 12-pack having 1,800 of empty calories as opposed to 0?
  4. And? both are bad for you. 40 grams of sugar is awful for your body.
  5. I've read a bit about diet coke having side effects that lead to weight gain like hunger cravings, insulin, etc. i also tend to believe it based on personal experience. However, I still think it's much, much better for you than drinking a regular coke. Yes it has a negative effect on weight but the real thing is much worse.
  6. Yes, I'm better off having 40 grams of sugar and 150 calories in a single can as opposed to 0 grams of sugar and 0 calories.
  7. Because, to my taste buds, byhtre, it doesn't taste that different. As for the caffeine part, I no longer consume caffeine in general I guess. It's toxic for the brain.
  8. This might have been an act or sign of God to show how far France has fallen.
  9. LMFAO I didn't believe it until I looked it up "A fire has ignited in the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. BBC News reports the cause of the fire is unclear but may be related to a transient in the location who was allegedly cooking." Un. Fucking. Believable
  10. That's a good idea. But I doubt they'd be "scared". In reality, they aren't "really" going after me. Based on what I read, they are going after someone else with much (much) more money. I am being used as a pawn.
  11. Thank you. Means a lot to me. I am confident I will win.
  12. Due to a loophole they basically got out of having anything to do with it.
  13. I already have it. But the problem is it will be irrelevant until a trial occurs. Right now I need to focus on making legal arguments before a Judge.
  14. I don't think you understand. This isn't some traffic ticket hearing or something where you show up and just talk. This is a full blown lawsuit in the Court system, with multiple attorneys, hearings, and motions scheduled until a trial occurs.
  15. There was no declaration of at fault from my insurance. Their insurance, obviously, declared me a fault, however. I'm not at fault. I think it's totally baseless.
  16. Can I get some advice on how to handle myself in Court?
  17. Yes it was a horrific car accident. Very similar to what DynamiteCop just described. There was no insurance involved on my side. Just the other party's insurance, who just randomly sued me lol.
  18. <-- this is gonna literally be my face as I'm sitting at the table with the various attorneys, negotiating a settlement.
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