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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. Reminder that when Alphone saw the 5 hour Alex Jones video, he said he saw it from work. Then someone asked him where he worked and Alphonse ignored it because he didn't want to answer that he's a security guard.
  2. https://giant.gfycat.com/IdealDescriptiveAustralianfurseal.webm
  3. it's actually kinda fun to watch NO idea how the fuck it has 10 million views, though.
  4. 5. Fucking. Hours. I'm 1 hour into it and it feels like it's been a lifetime Alex just keeps mindlessly ranting about his stupidities
  5. The most retarded shit he ever said in the Joe Rogan vid was about taking DMT to encounter extra-dimensional beings. Sorry, I can't take him seriously. He's an idiot, even though there's a grain of truth in some of what he says. Also, he can't keep his mouth shut to let someone else speak b/c he has ADHD.
  6. Anyone remember when Cooke tried to get us to watch a 5-hour video of Alex Jones?
  7. SheepKilla


    Winning for me is fun
  8. SheepKilla


    I thought the same orgiinally (hated Brawl and played for like 2 hours). But Ultimate is different. Very good mechanics, nice feel, and definitely very fun. Might not be the most complex game ever, but fights can be fun. Great game.
  9. SheepKilla


    ROFL Sorry, I forgot. No fun allowed. i do agree with you though that some kids take it way too seriously. I just play for fun a bit, online and in Spirit Board.
  10. SheepKilla


    How about instead I pick Yoshi and keep groundstomping the map until you're flattened like a pancake?
  11. SheepKilla


    Ok. Pick the Duck-hunt character vs. Bayonetta
  12. bump so my parody thread makes sense and people associate them
  13. SheepKilla


    They updated it. It's less laggy now and you can filter what matches you want. Pretty fun.
  14. SheepKilla


    owns niggaz online can't handle my Yoshi stomps
  15. Maybe it's because you died fucking decades ago in Spandau Prison, Berlin you asshole. You're not even alive.
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