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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. Can't wait for Jerry's thoughts. Probably: "Well, you can blame him all you want. The fact is, he wouldn't have done it unless racism was a REAL problem. He was just trying to bring attention to REAL issues with this hoax, and for that he should be commended." Surprised you didn't take this route, Dumb Mike
  2. you also thought you were going to get use out of Smollett's fake hate crime. Too bad he was caught, huh ?
  3. "lock his ass up because he exposed my political party and made us look bad"
  4. i wasn't for Jimbo before, but now I am.
  5. idk who u are but I'm pleased to meet you
  6. That's posters, not site aesthetic. lol. it's been fine for a full year.
  7. No one was complaining before at all, friend. This is a better, thanks. Wish it was the exact same text as before, but I guess we'll have to settle.
  8. change the text back to gray or at least make another theme that we can use The white text hurts my eyes on grey background
  9. 99% of his posts pumping his site. just ban him
  10. Yes, that was exactly my point. You got it. Your IQ must be sky-high.
  11. Don't tell him that intent is written into our laws and is the difference between probation and life in prison.
  12. Because all gay people wear rainbow earrings, tanktops, and vote for Obama. None are conservative or could possibly be so. There's no conservative black people, either. All of them live in slums and just want Democrat policies. And all Mexicans just want open borders and illegals pouring in, just because they have Mexican heritage.
  13. He's "scared", yet you're here advocating censorship and that must mean you're.... not scared. Fantastic logic.
  14. "Don't do this one thing because it references something from 100+ years ago that most people don't even know about"
  15. Ok, so it references something from the 19th century (which you had to explain to people, proving they don't know what it is). So what now? Cry me a damn river.
  16. I barely even know what it is, never had an account there & don't care.
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