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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. can we change back to the gray text actually? this white text on black hurts my eyes
  2. don't even give him a chance imo. i've seen the words corn-rages each and every time he posts. Every time. Not an exaggeration. prob. should be permabanned.
  3. I like snow and think this looks good. Any way to tile one of these as a background?
  4. and the only was like a weird 8-bit digital monster thing with pink color. idk what it was called or but it's gone now.
  5. do you have a specific size you're looking for?
  6. If it came out today it would probably be a steaming pile of garbage
  7. Count me as one of the people who doesn't like this change. I don't like this 'washed out bland color scheme'. Why is everything grey? Also the background change is bad imo.
  8. just let it happen naturally imo. mass spam for a postcount goal is lame
  9. can someone explain what this thread is and why it's stickied? clean up what?
  10. Is Mike still not-so subtly asking for people who disagree with his politics to be banned and calling them Nazis? Asking for a friend.
  11. I didn't see mike leave because of a Hitler (scare-word) sympathizer. In fact, I saw him get more active on the forum within the past 2 weeks, more than ever before. Funny how that works.
  12. Have you at all looked around you lately and what's going on in the world? Monkey branching, sleeping with whoever has the most status, cheating/abandoning/divorcing for money etc. Women have basically become demented. All of this comes from the hook-up culture. There's a reason all cultures on this planet have controlled their women since the dawn of time. Look what happened in Sweden with their feminist government letting in millions of refugees. I used to think like you but have now come to the conclusion that we will certainly collapse as a society if this continues for even
  13. alright, serious post here since you seem to be serious as well: I'm not against it existing. I'm against it becoming the standard and social norm for everyone - which it has become recently. That is highly dangerous and will lead to misery for all involved. In the long term it leads to degeneracy and the breakdown of our culture. At my age (late 20's), I'd rather have a bunch of honest women to choose from to settle down with. Instead, near every single woman is, basically, a whore in all but name. This total breakdown of our family system is not worth ge
  14. Which is why your genes are rightfully on their way to extinction. :-D
  15. Hook-up culture was purposely designed to alienate you from a wife, a family, and have your women promiscuous and loose to the point where no self-respecting man can ever value them. But hey its alright I got laid a few times durr
  16. This. Ghostz, I'm sorry, but hook-up culture promoted by bars and crap is EXACTLY what's wrong with today. I even saw a post earlier today by Ike wondering why women were taught that them having more male partners would make them less attractive. ffs.
  17. Trump state of the union is live soon...can't wait
  18. You do realize you have no control over what happens with the current laws anyway, right? Whether you want the baby or not, it's considered her choice. If she wants the checks, she gets them. If she doesn't, she can abort, even if you do want the baby. You have 0 say under current laws anyway.
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