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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. For the slow kids: The right believes in restricting immigration and pro-life because these are traditional values that uphold the proper society of the past. The left doesn't have a belief system, it is just 'opposed' to the right. Pro-choice and pro mass-immigration are not connected to each other; they are just opposites of the conservative positions. Pro-life and anti-immigration are connected, and make sense in the conservative framework. Liberal Democrat/socialist/communist is not a true ideology or stance. It has no unity. It is just a reaction to
  2. All these backwards political views can be traced back to biography of the individual. Mike isn't white and has a chip on his shoulder. Ghostz' gf or wife had an abortion at some point in the past. Jerry has mostly failed in life, identifies in hispanic, and blames the white man. etc
  3. The head of the feminist movement apparently. "a photo of Gloria Steinem, smiling, arms raised in a celebratory pose, wearing a t-shirt that read, “I had an abortion.” Beneath her it asked, “Do you really need to inconvenience yourself for the next 18 years?”" LMFAO
  4. one of ghostz' gfs or his wife must've had an abortion. he's SO defensive.
  5. You don't need a party to celebrate something. You just need clapping, cheering, encouragement, and changing your skyline to a different color to celebrate.
  6. So lighting up the city to celebrate a new abortion law that allows up to 9 months isn't 'celebrating' ? Look up the New York abortion law from 2019. Claiming it's just celebrating "the right" to have it but not abortion itself is just playing with language.
  7. Abortion encourages degeneracy in our society. It's not a right, not a good, and never has been. IT should only be used in extreme cases like rape or if the baby is damaged in some way. Instead, we have women out there celebrating abortion and Democrats lighting up the skyline of New York because of a new abortion law passed this year. Why exactly do you think Roe from Roe v. Wade spent her entire life after the decision campaigning to reverse the decision?
  8. Sure. So which is it, bodily assault or murder?
  9. So if I punch her and abort her baby, I can only be charged for bodily assault and not murder?
  10. The "my body is my right" part comes in when you decide to have sex to form a baby. You get to choose if you want to do it and with who.
  11. The "my body is my right" part comes in when you decide to have sex to form a baby. You get to choose if you want to do it and with who. Afterwards, if a baby is formed, it's no longer your right. For the slow liberal kids ^
  12. We should set up work camps near the border. Deport the illegals there and force them to work their asses off for free for a few years to help our economy. Watch illegal immigration go down to 0.
  13. Can you tell which is the Trump supporter and which is the liberal? ROFLMAO
  14. Dumb liberal logic: >Building a wall to keep illegals out is immoral >Abortion at 9 months is fantastic
  15. You're a real compassionate guy by aborting babies at 9 months
  16. sorry. maybe if I said "wir schaffen das" you would've upvoted it.
  17. One of the few games that mattered last gen.
  18. You don't even live in the US you pos he's stopped Obamacare, had good tax policies, uplifted the economy, is fulfilling literally each and every single one of his campaign promises (a first for any politician) but is being fought tooth and nail by the establishment. Also, "criminal allegations"...yeah, allegations by Democrats. Who do you think started the whole Russia thing? Hillary Clinton and her mainstream media immediately after she lost.
  19. they will battle it out and we will gather around to watch them like a centipede vs. a spider put into a shoebox
  20. give me my kiss asshole
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