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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. Who the fuck is PMing you?
  2. It's pretty much impossible to top 18% approval rating, riots, and worst president in 50 years. So you're saying Le Pen would be worse than that? who the fuck are you deluding except yourself?
  3. Financial Times: https://www.ft.com/content/f475a4a8-4a15-11e2-a7b1-00144feab49a Telegraph UK: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/9888310/Lets-talk-about-the-exodus-of-600000-whites-from-London.html The Sun: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/1197977/you-come-out-of-the-tube-and-its-like-baghdad-documentary-shows-how-white-londoners-are-fleeing-the-east-end/ Are these all also fake?
  4. So are the people in London also fleeing for welfare reasons?
  5. Did you forget the stats where I linked those states have black populations of 26.5% and 37%? Who exactly do you think is being helped and needs the help in those states? Fail again. If you're going to go by race (as you and Dumb Mike are doing), then you're going to need to link me to California helping welfare in Idaho
  6. Ah, yeah. What a good point you have. White people are known for fleeing to white welfare states after their own state becomes a welfare state. /s
  7. I like how in your delusional fantasy world you try to turn every problem around on whites lmfao. You're like the Hollywood people editing out the white kings and intelligentsia and replacing them with other races.
  8. No they can't. THAT'S WHY THE HOMELESS POP IS 20%!
  9. Yes, because Mexican illegals are known to be millionaires, educated, and rich. #whitegenocide
  10. The "fifth largest economy" because a house there costs $1,000,000 to live in and a $100k salary is considered "just getting by."
  11. The 5h largest economy doesn't mean SHIT when homeless population is 20%, people are begging to leave, there's people saying it looks like a 3rd world country, and nobody has a good job anymore You know why it's the 5th largest? Because Mark Zuckerberg and other cretins like him that are 1% but have 99% of the wealth live there in gated communities...you know...with WALLS
  12. OMG this is who represents your state Low IQ Maxine Waters. what a HILARIOUS joke!
  13. You're defending poop on the streets. ROFL
  14. California looks like a war-zone. People are leaving and the white population has already run away (white flight). California is now minority white. It has a homeless population of 13% by some measures and 20% by others. Why would these people leave if it was a great state? Poopifornia is one the #1 worst state in the US bar none. If we're going purely by race demographics like you want...Alabama has 68% of whites and 26% of blacks. Mississippi has 59% whites and 37.5% blacks. Kentucky has 88% whites and is an OK state. Idaho is more representative with 90% white
  15. We should make two separate nations. One implementing your diversity policies, and one with white nationalist policies. In 10 years, guess which one you would be rushing to immigrate to?
  16. So you think Le Pen would have an 18% approval rating a year into her presidency? lol NO WAY.
  17. LOL! "France made the right choice" omg His approval rating is at 18%. That's literally the lowest I've seen for a modern president, anywhere.
  18. @McWicked MikeHBFR Trudeau, Obama, Clinton, Macron, and Merkel...your iDOLS
  19. we're literally living in the society of A Clockwork Orange
  20. Jerry will take you on the jerry-go-round deflecting and gaslighting you until 10 pages later you admit that Bill Clinton was the greatest president ever while forgetting the original debate.
  21. ROFLMAO Mike's incoming comment: "It's not so bad, stop exaggerating. In fact, trash was WORSE in Paris during the 1990s. Macron has done a great job. Why aren't you voting for more taxes to support the migrants?"
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