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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. Hip, tolerant, pretty boy, "cool", flashy, global liberal elite. End result: Country in chaos with mass riots, camps of Africans everywhere spreading their love, terrorist attacks, wage stagnation, and best of all, a Real Life version of The Camp of the Saints. This is what Dumb Mike advocates for over a strong leader like Trump. ROFLMAO
  2. average STARTING salary. If you've been there for a few decades, and they bump it up to $80,000 - $100,000+. Of course it was real. All the kids at the time discovered the salaries because the government publishes them online. All the kids were literally hysterically laughing at the numbers. KIDS were LAUGHING at their own teachers' salaries! And you want more taxes to pay them!!
  3. Money helps education. Durr. No. One of the worst high school teachers I ever had in my life was making $80,000 a year. So bad that she once stepped out of class and left us alone to have fun with another teacher for 40 minutes, then came back and dismissed us. THAT'S where your taxes are going you fucking imbecile.
  4. The leader of Israel also defended him you deluded freak:
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wannsee_Conference Now you're saying I'm a sad sack of shit for believing in BASIC, mainstream historical facts.
  6. The Nazis had no plans to kill people until 1942. History and the truth is not black or white, it's a very light shade of grey. They'll always tell you he killed 6 million people. But good luck having them explain why.
  7. "History is written by the victors." And look who the most vilified man in the entire history of the world is. How naive and dumb you are.
  8. Never did I say I advocated violent genocide. History books did lie about him as well and covered up his true motivation. Massively.
  9. Capital gains won't tax him. Capital gains occurs only when the stock is sold. Buffett practically NEVER sells his stock. He is given loans by banks and his stock is used as collateral. Loopholes exist because the financial system is COMPLICATED, not because rich people magically rigged it. These people have hundreds of investment vehicles, banks, armies of lawyers and paperwork.
  10. Liberals lack any mental power. This is your argument: "It happened in the past so it should happen today even though the conditions are completely different." "Mass migration from Europe happened in the 20th century, so mass migration from the 3rd world should happen today." "The rich were taxed by competent leaders and for good goals in the 1950s, so it should happen today with the Democrat Swamp." etc. ROFL low IQ shit
  11. First of all, LMFAO at copying my posting-style of capitalizing letters to emphasize keywords. Second of all, Buffett pays that much because most of his wealth is in stocks and because an army of lawyers makes sure to use every legal advantage. Of course his taxes are low. He will move OFFSHORE if you try to tax him more, because that's what SMART people do. He will NEVER pay a dime, make the tax 88% or 100% if you want. It won't make a real difference in the country's economy.
  12. We're not fighting against it because we love the rich. We're fighting against it BECAUSE IT DOESN'T WORK. You're the one who sees everything in terms of the opposition Rich vs. Poor. Behind that worldview is envy. If taxing the rich actually worked, we'd be arguing for it. It doesn't work. It will just create a bureaucracy and support welfare scum. It will cause mass flight to leave the country. Companies in California are fleeing the state so much that they tried to sign in a law prohibiting companies from leaving.
  13. "Tax the rich, that will solve all our problems."
  14. Coulter is trolling. She wants to drum up support for DorkTez so Dems split. Look what's already happening with that Starbucks CEO that announced he would run. EVERYONE in the twitter feed comments is sayin this tweet is a trap. Again, it was a DIFFERENT time period, different society, different people, different government, different economic conditions. Now you can take a plane and be in another country within a day. What part of that don't you get? You're an idiot if you believe rich won't relocate based on higher taxes. They do it on a massive scale because they're not lo
  15. But...but but you don't know how much 10 million is
  16. "Current U.S. government spending is $4.407 trillion." https://www.thebalance.com/current-u-s-federal-government-spending-3305763
  17. you KNOW I'm completely right. This tax would fund this inefficient kleptocracy for a whole 2 days.
  18. In those times there was no globalism and more patriotism. There was no inefficient bureaucracy. It was a different time. It's common sense
  19. This is true and proves Dumb Mike knows nothing. If you told the real elite you had 50 million, they would laugh at you. To them, it's nothing. To the government, it's also nothing. They go by billions and hundreds of billions. not 10 million. Dumb Mike's tax would send rich people overseas to avoid paying the tax. If he somehow managed to collect, it would fund government for 20 minutes of operations.
  20. "AOC" biggest fucking clown in politics EVER This is Democrats' idol
  21. And who is going to implement that? ...Who is going to go through HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of pages of paperwork to determine a billionaire's wealth? These people's wealth isn't a fucking bank account number. It's spread throughout the world with literally hundreds of bank accounts and an army of lawyers. And you think this is...easy to tax 1% of? My sides
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