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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. You have no idea how economics works. Do you know what Warren Buffett's annual income is? $100,000. Because he gets paid in stock, which ISN'T taxable income at all you doofus. This is virtually 99% of all people at this income level. NOBODY WOULD PAY THIS DUMB TAX AT ALL. Gotta love when people who know nothing about economics try to write economic tax plans, because it "sounds good" and "feels good" while having no conception of how the finance system works.
  2. You have no idea how economics works. Do you know what Warren Buffett's annual income is? $100,000. Because he gets paid in stock, which ISN'T taxable income at all you doofus. This is virtually 99% of all people at this income level. NOBODY WOULD PAY THIS DUMB TAX AT ALL. Gotta love when people who know nothing about economics try to write economic tax plans, because it "sounds good" and "feels good" while having no conception of how the finance system works.
  3. You're such an idiot that you can't figure out that... the establishment investigating Trump is a sign that he's an actual THREAT to them. They are desperate and will do anything. That's why they're trying to make something out of the Russia case. You think investigations happens if someone's power isn't threatened? ROFL As if Democrats suddenly cared about ethics and integrity
  4. You're naive enough to think that anyone with any power won't try to influence the US election. 100 million in advertising alone to the Clinton campaign. Discovery of millions of illegals who voted after the fact. Suspicious Trump tape getting leaked at "just the right" time. Leak of a document of Trump's tax returns. Endless manipulation attempts by mainstream media, which backfired HORRIBLY and gave Trump 1 billion in free advertising....by his own enemies. Yet...it was all Russia's fault!
  5. If commercials aren't important, why do people pay hundreds of billions of dollars for you JUST to see them? Maybe you'll figure it out one day.
  6. This is wrong on so many levels. Having a nuclear family and working hard is not a "pro white" value. It's a basic value of society. Disregard it, and the US won't be a country anymore. It will descend into total chaos. We've already started to see the effects of that mindset. Society is starting to fall apart at the seams and get more divisive, not less, because of Obama and Clinton's disastrous administration. Minorities are actually LEAVING the Dem. party and joining Trump's Republican party. Look up "blaxit". The key to the equality of minorities is NOT in Democr
  7. You know you lost when you have contentless posts only. No debate. If you're serious about a debate, using actual facts and empirical evidence, you can PM me.
  8. I'm far, far smarter than you. I use actual reason/logic and am open in my ideas. If you believe I'm wrong, you can change me with facts. Since you have no facts, you can't change me nor make me "feel bad." And I think Saucer was a distinguished lawyer if I remember right. That guy is infinitely smarter than you as well.
  9. Totally false. The EU is a big example of globalism. It's a bureaucracy that controls all its nation-states and tells them what to do. It sucks the wealth out of the member countries with regulations and mandatory fees. That's not "capitalism." All those taxation and welfare programs to support migrants are also anti-capitalist.
  10. Democrats don't believe in nation states, borders, or sovereignty And you think that's more patriotic than Russia? LMFAO. Give me a break.
  11. "We should get along with everyone and be diverse and multicultural...Let's exclude Russians and hate them!" The hypocrisy is mind-boggling.
  12. I support Russia over a Globalist puppet state any day of the week. You've been deluded into seeing Russia as a boogeyman.
  13. Again, what part don't you understand that I'm saying? they LOOK white, they SEEM white. But they do not consider THEMSELVES white and do not identify with such a group. Idiot.
  14. If you see them on the street or news with no other information, you would identify them as white. However, many don't identify with that group. That's why the professor Ciccariello-Maher said he wanted a white genocide on twitter. Also, why do you think they eventually started forcing them to wear stars to identify themselves? That practice began in Medieval times. I'm not saying anyone is universally bad, just pointing out something you don't seem to be aware of.
  15. I didn't say Americans don't mostly view them as white. I said they themselves don't primarily view themselves as white.
  16. Many do not consider themselves that way. See the first 30 seconds of this clip where Mike Wallace corrects Morgan Freeman when he told him he was white: They segregate themselves, it's not the Alt-Right segregating them. This is just one of many examples.
  17. if you said the same thing about whites he'd be praising you.
  18. "Nothing is wrong, ever. just shut up and enjoy your life. Mass migrations are good. Nations are bad. Socialism is good."
  19. He didn't dispute anything you wrote. He disputed the fact you wrote it.
  20. The problem is far more complex than that. What do Bernie Sanders, Hilary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Debbie Wasserman-Schulz, Ron Wyden and Al Franken have in common? And what do they all advocate? I'll say no more.
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