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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. agreed. it has to stop. Seems like there's a quota to lock 2-3 threads every week or something lmfao
  2. There's different "types" of killers depending on the crime, which is tied to motive. Serial killers and heat-of-the-moment crimes for example are totally different than mass shooters. Anyway...practically NO mass shooters expect to get away. They know exactly what's going to happen. It's basically a murder-suicide or a murder-jail. They are not normal people, but they certainly know what they are doing in terms of planning. Usually they have been mentally broken down far before the shooting happens. Nobody wakes up and decides to do this randomly. I think that guy that shot up San
  3. It depends on what type of murder you are talking about exactly. Murder almost always tends to build up slowly in the killer's mind for many years. The guy in FL definitely had a motive, but it's impossible to say what without further details. If you give the FBI a murder, they can actually create a profile of what the murderer will be like, and these profiles are usually fairly accurate (though sometimes wrong). It's a whole science that took decades to develop. For example, "the murderer will be 20 - 35 years old, male, lives alone with no spouse, works a menial jo
  4. I've studied criminology a little bit. Nobody does this. Everyone has an underlying motive of some kind. Unless it's genuine mental illness like schizophrenia.
  5. I agree in theory. But in practice it doesn't work that way. Here's why: 1) The billionaires own the necessities (as well as other stupid shit) that the people will buy anyway. They are selling it to them. A good chunk of that money is coming back to them anyway in the form of profits. 2) Nobody starts a small business while living off welfare. If they somehow manage to, they will be completely annihilated by debt if it fails. Studies show the vast majority of small businesses fail within 5 years. 3) The people receiving this tax money will use it for st
  6. This new generation of kids are NOT like our generation. Imagine being young and getting ideas pumped into your head like there are many genders, trans is great, all cultures are totally equal, white people are inherently bad, homosexuality should be encouraged, drug use is ok, abortion is ok, etc. In schools, in media everywhere, in peers, reinforcing this lifestyle and message. They have been pumped full of poison and are now suffering the consequences. This is the most backward generation (born 1998 and onwards) possibly in history,
  7. Wow @ how audacious this gaslighting is. We've been fed liberal propaganda in most every major news network for 10 YEARS, with no true opposing side, and now you say it's Trump who controls the media. LMFAO
  8. The Republicans of the previous eras were retarded (Mccain, Romney, Bush). In this current era, it's the only rational choice that is available - even necessary.
  9. ? I just said I have personal experience of the effects of welfare policy. Single moms and mass abuse of the system. Not once did I see a different scenario over the years. That's EVIDENCE and the WHOLE point of this discussion. To see how these policies effect daily life, not what they do IN THEORY.
  10. ... You seriously think linking to stats about explicitly WAR TIME REFUGEE intake in the US means immigration is at normal levels? Wow. No wonder. You don't realize there are 11 million illegals ALONE in this country from the past few years. That figure ALONE is more than ALL numbers of refugees EVER taken in.
  11. Those are war-time REFUGEES....not immigrants, migrants, and illegal immigrants... Again, this is the biggest social experiment EVER conducted. In both America and Western Europe. Hope you're ready for some chaos. Now excuse me, I'm going to watch some more YouTube videos complaining about how Paris is now a 3rd world city.
  12. LMFAO There has NEVER been this scale of immigration in this short a time-period, from cultures so diverse, in the HISTORY of the human race. We are engaging in a massive science experiment socially. The effects are already coming out with the racial/economic/national tensions in the Trump election. We're in BIG trouble.
  13. Policies implemented will have RESULTS that you can SEE. Democrats claim their system works. So I look around me and see the truth of the effects of their policies. This is empirical evidence. Why is that hard to understand?
  14. Many of my views are based on anecdotes and personal experiences just like they are on reading and research. Personal experiences are extremely important. Because if it sounds like taxation for welfare will work in theory, you can find out if that's true by looking around you. And all I see are single mothers and people abusing the system. This is a perfectly valid thing to bring up. It's literally ALL I see. Hell, I'll even admit I have a family member who abuses welfare. This is a massive phenomenon.
  15. I provided arguments and explanation to support my views. That's enough. You mostly talked around them and skirted. You did have some good poitns, but they were about trivial matters that didn't deal with the substance of the debate. Other points were horrendous (such as Romney's dad being a Mexican immigrant justifying mass mexican immigration as well as welfare).
  16. I'm not wasting my research and time on you. You are already entrenched in your beliefs and dont want to learn anything. Because you decided what is true already, and are closed minded to evidence or good points.
  17. Clowns. The whole lot of them They use emotions first, and then logic to justify their emotions. They don't see how that is illogical. Because you can justify ANYTHING with a narrow, tunnel vision world-view.
  18. The two people in that picture are the EXACT SAME skin color! racist? gtfo here. You ran out of valid arguments so you say "racist." Discriminating based on behavior is now racist? One guy is in a suit and tie and obvioulsy a hardworking decent guy. The other is a thug with tattoos on his face posing for a mugshot. And you say these two people are EQUIVALENT. You have NO logic at all to think this way. Liberalism is a disease.
  19. First of all, I watched it and saw her claim repeatedly that her husband worked hard and ate only potatoes, not that he received welfare payments for years. Your logic is SEVERELY flawed. It boils down to: "The thing you're arguing against happened a few times many years ago. Therefore, it's good today, and on a mass scale." This is not an argument. It's stating an anecdote. Also, this is the type of hardworking guy Romney's dad was: This is who you want to import by the millions and consider equivalent:
  20. Also, since the 1950's, 40's, 30's, 20's, and 10's suddenly became a mythical bastion of globalist multiculturalism to support your argument... Do you have ANY idea what they would have done in those days at the slightest hint of anti-nationalism or saying you hate whites, this country is racist/bad, etc? You'd be arrested, put in jail, and sent home.
  21. Many of those people came far before the 1950's. And when they came there was tight control along the way - far more than today. And NOT ONE of these people received welfare benefits. They were pretty much thrown onto the street and they worked themselves and their families up. Your narrative is completely skewed because you don't want to see the situation for what it is.
  22. "Globalism" without immigration waves and without foreign influence. That's not globalism. Globalism started in the early 2000s and has recently accelerated. I have personal experience of an immigrant in my city whose family owned 2 mercedes and who was also receiving large amounts of welfare/food stamps. You are basing your characterizations on caricatures. The humble Mexican lady with $30 in groceries every week isn't real. The stories are everywhere. This aid is severely abused. And you neglect to comment on the social effects. You are ok with this
  23. Also, the 1950's prosperity had little to do with taxing the rich. It had to do with a natural economic boom after WW2 and the US becoming the leading superpower. If you take away each and every dollar from the rich, you will not cover this country's budget for even a month. Taxation is an imaginary answer.
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