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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. In those days, people taxed and used the money efficiently and effectively. For smart projects that would yield long-term benefits. Today, that money is going in the wrong places. It will destabilize this country in the long term.
  2. Economic stability doesn't happen via mass welfare. All that is doing is transferring wealth to people at the very bottom, who are then squandering that wealth instead of buying smart things with it.
  3. We didn't have welfare programs for single mothers in 1950. We're in a different time. You have no argument. Your claim is "This happened in the past at some good, so it must be good to continue doing it and increase it". With no regard for subtleties of time, place, nor effect on society. As if all that matters is it happened one time, so it's therefore good - ignore all nuances.
  4. It sounds like something a high schooler would say. I used to believe the same myself when I was a teen. The logic went like: "I'm not rich, these rich people should give some of their money to me and my own" In reality taxing that guy making over $10 million won't do anything. It will just redistribute his money for political purposes (welfare programs, etc). These programs will be highly inefficient and drag down society more and more. I'm honestly at the point where I believe we should cut welfare down to $0 in funding. Watch how quickly the single mother culture wo
  5. She's dog-whistling to her base with no real substance. Democrats lead to mass corruption and welfare culture.
  6. Diet cokes are one of the worst things you can touch. Yes, they are 0 calories. But the side-effects are that they increase appetite and trigger your body to store more fat from whatever you eat.
  7. lmfao you'd STILL probably get punched by a random thug
  8. the multicultural ideology led to all of that, and those things never would have happened without it. It's a poison.
  9. multiculturalism KILLS diversity and makes everything the same. Everyone is becoming one bland mass. Everything was much different 10 - 15 years ago.
  10. McDyke Current Options List: 1) Deflect; quote the post but talk about something else. Maybe quote a small portion. 2) Ignore; Tell someone they're a literal nazi. 3) Abandon thread
  11. the CEO controls the bank. They are the most important person at the company Who exactly do you think the CEOs are? And let me give you a hint....Blankfein, Goldberg, and Eisenberg aren't ""German"" names. No privilege at all, huh?
  12. LMFAO, you use a fake analogy of Def Jam records to prove what exactly? You linked to one of the largest entities on Wall Street. You typed out 4 people. 2 were English/Irish, the other 2 were Jewish. One of them was the CEO. By your logic 100% of the people at every bank should be Jewish if Jewish privilege exists? No. That's ridiculous. No logic I see here.
  13. He thinks white privilege is real but jewish privilege doesn't exist.
  14. No. Predominantly German? You mean two Jewish people. You probably think Goldberg is a German name You try so desperately to decrease the numbers just to support your point. And your list just PROVED my point again. You claim there is no Jewish privilege like there is white privilege. Then you link to the 4 most important people in a big bank, and then you admit 2 out of 4 people are Jewish. In a country where they comprise less than 2% of the population. So again, you literally just proved my point and think you're arguing against me.
  15. When did I say they hang out together? Again, you are trying to make a simple claim vague, because your leftist brain won't allow you to acknowledge something. And Worldcom? you mean the guy Bernard Ebbers who is STILL serving out a jail sentence? As for Lehman Brothers, that's literally a Jewish name. People in the upper echelon of that company...look up who they were... you gave LITERALLY the worst examples to try to prove your faux point.
  16. they IDENTIFY as Jewish you clown. Jewish people accept them, invite them to their parties, etc. That's the standard of if somebody is Jewish or not. I don't recall saying that. I said PRIVILEGED - which you denied. You really are trying your best to change the argument. And yes, they "work together" in the sense they seek to help other Jewish people to the exclusion of others (i.e. they will hire you to their massive hedge fund if you have a Jewish name, but not if you're a Christian, or muslim, or whatever). Then you would be proving that white people are similarly privile
  17. Sure, it wasn't the best image to demonstrate my point. But Jewish people are massively over-represented in elite circles. You seem to be disputing that. They are EVERYWHERE at ivy league schools. As professors, students, and employees. According to one report, 25% of Harvard's students were estimated to be of Jewish descent, despite comprising less than 3% of the total population. And just off the top of my head and my own personal reading (just doing my studies over the years and reading books and these people came up and I noted they were Jewish)... Look up Rothsch
  18. What conspiracy theory? All I said was they were privileged. And out of that you took a conspiracy theory. And since you asked... And we don't have to pretend to know what the bubbles would read if the stats added "$1,000,000+ annual income" line to this chart.
  19. Lmao it's like he has blinders on and can't even see a point you make. All goes in one ear and out the other. he's REALLY entrenched in these toxic beliefs.
  20. So you honestly see nothing privileged about many billionaires, CEOs, congressmen, and rulers of nations (Sarkozy) being Jewish.
  21. Less than 2% of the population, yet controls many aspects of nations and banking systems. I'm racist for saying they may be as privileged as whites. Puppet.
  22. You can't stand the fact somebody appeals to white voters instead of primarily hispanics.
  23. There's what? do you believe in white privilege and not Jewish privilege?
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