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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. I posted news articles confirming that millions have been banned for cheating in PubG. I posted countless anecdotes and personal experiences. I have reported many people in CSGO and got confirmation weeks later that they were indeed hacking and were banned. shut the fuck up You probably think the aimbotter is naturally that good because you're too low IQ to realize hacking when you see it.
  2. I remember reading about a guy on PC in Dark Souls who got invaded by a red phantom. He had a hack where he did a backstab, and it did 1 damage. The hacker caught him in an infinite loop doing 1 dmg with each animation, endlessly. He couldn't escape from the world until he died, but each animation did 1 dmg. This crock of shit is on EVERY pc game. Hermits will ignore it and pretend it's not a problem. Dumb fuckers. You never hear about this on Switch or even Playstation.
  3. Yep. I've been posting the same thing about online PC gaming. Every single game that I know of has a massive amount of hackers.
  4. Yeah OK LMFAO Did you see the other thread where TLHBO posted all the data about the people that ran the Gilette ad? All of them were Jewish. I love Jewish people in my personal life. But why are so many of them behind pushing this diversity stuff? You'd think it would be a diverse group of people wanting DIVERSITY? But it's not, it's just one group? wtf?
  5. LMAO. This research is beautiful.
  6. The distinction is that one is hypocritical. The idea in the interracial relationship is that it is a manifestation of 'anti-racism" and progressive or whatever shit, "seeing the real person for who they are." When in reality race and its stereotypes/associations is the factor bringing the relationship together. Do you have any idea of how hypocritical and toxic that is?
  7. Strawman argument here. I never said this. But I will say this: Interracial relationships are sickening when they are BASED PRIMARILY ON RACE. A black man going for a white woman because she's white and a white woman being attracted to a man because he's black, is inherently sickening. Do you disagree? Because that's what's happening in current society. You are reading things I didn't say into that. I never said "stop portraying interracial relations for an agenda" to mean "start portraying racial relations for an agenda." I believe people are being written into these gam
  8. He's reasonable because he agrees with your politics. It's the same fucking story every day. "Person Y is reasonable because his views agree with mine, Person X is BAD" How about addressing the substance instead of random drive-bys? 0 substance from both you and Deano. Just that I'm "crazy" or "unreasonable."
  9. white guy trying to instill racial guilt on other white guys ROFF
  10. You are beyond reasoning with. If MicroSoft brought out a baked turd claiming it was chocolate, you'd be saying "it's not so bad; it's alright." You have no fucking conception of the world around you.
  11. For the record, I have ZERO problem with blacks, latinos, etc. What I have a problem is someone forcing ideas with a hateful agenda behind it into our country and mainstream. And the greatest irony is that the person doing it is some white cuck.
  12. LMAO nothing this guy says makes sense. He's acting as if you're a lunatic for suggesting that there's an agenda behind the representation in the games. As if you're totally out of your mind and in fairy tale land. All you have to do is put "halo 5" vs "halo 2" into Google images and see who pops up and what you see in the top page of images.
  13. Great argument and use of logic. Media (games, movies, etc) sets the tone of what young people see as normal and desirable. Continually writing black men with white women into our games is seeping that into the minds of young children. Who will grow up thinking someone is desirable just because they're a different race. 1) My race gets declared war on 2) I notice it and comment on it with disgust 3) I'm the bad, wicked guy for noticing and pointing it out there is OBVIOUSLY an agenda behind this shit. Don't welcome a poisonous snake
  14. What the fuck did I say that wasn't true? People are writing fucking interracial fantasies into our media that sells by the millions of copies. What do you think young impressionable people are going to do once they watch the media for hours? Good god. I have no doubt about any of that. The thing is, their sick fantasies are being transferred to our impressionable children. They could write bald, 60 year old men into leads as desirable, and kids would follow it. Propaganda is literally more dangerous than a standing army with rifles, because that enemy is obvious,
  15. We laugh about this shit. But one thing gets missed. Kids play these games. Kids will look to these figures, and it will seep into their unconscious fantasies. They're VERY impressionable. Particularly young females. That blonde bitch that got knocked up at 16 by some black guy? She probably thought he was great because of bullshit like this being perpetuated into society. we need to STOP this filth.
  16. Sounds like you deluded yourself into thinking this is great. You know that tiny voice in you telling you this is wrong? Listen to it. There's not a single white character I can see in all screens. Meanwhile there's a bunch of women and black guys. This is deliberately done - not smartly, not genuinely. Suddenly every character is a minority. This is propaganda. And I don't know what you're smoking but I don't remember a Locke or whatever in any of the first 3 Halo games. I do remember Sgt. Johnson, an actual character that wasn't a crock of shit.
  17. It's clearly representation for the sake of representation. Nothing about these games look natural. You see this and really think to yourself, "nothing to see here" ? This isn't the Halo most people here grew up with. you REALLY see nothing wrong?
  18. LMAO I posted that before I even saw bodycount's post. Gold
  19. Yeah, Sheep are far left.... While on XBOX you have a random Ethiopian replacing Master Chief, and Latinas in Gears with all white people excluded. STFU
  20. lmfao, I've been meaning to play 1 (Sins of the Father) myself. Heard it was amazing. 3 looks the worst of the bunch, but my favorite will always be 2 (Beast Within) no matter what. Also, they have actual Hollywood actors for this shit. Tim Curry was the fucking voice of Gabriel in #1. And they have Mark Hamil too in #1. With that said, I agree with you that the voice sounds weird compared to what i'm used to for Gabriel. I have a feeling it eventually grows on you though.
  21. I already did. It's in my OP. Saw it on youtube. It was fantastic. This FMV shit is LITERALLY better than movies and TV shows
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