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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. They don't throttle like Australians. Here's what they do: When you hit 200 gb in a month, and you LITERALLY can't even load a 5 mb picture without waiting for 5 minutes. in America they just slow you down a bit. Maybe half speed at least. They won't bring your downloads to a complete stop. But it's still throttling.
  2. All ISPS cap data. ESPECIALLY Comcast. They say it's 'unlimited', but they cap. If they see you cross 200 gb or some shit, they will throttle you. So keep downloading those 50 gb updates like it's hot potatoes.
  3. How Lemmings ISP Usage stats looks like after all these constant updates to all games: MONTH of January: 10,550 GB downloaded ROFF
  4. LOL I'm glad Lemmings will be even more frustrated by their own company. Perpetually owned 4 lyfe.
  5. Society/culture is seriously getting weird. I remember when just 13 years ago people would've blew a fucking lid if a Halo game came out like this. Not even the Trump phenomenon can reverse how fucked we are.
  6. OMG that dialogue "Come a long way together. Long way to go. Let's make a good jump like we mean to, and handle fools like we need to. " my sides
  7. 1.15.19 Davey Pee awakens to his name-sake: a piss-colored sunset rising on his Quebec trailer park. He rubs his eyes, yawns, and smiles clumsily. A new day! He hears a noise in the kitchen. It's his hot, supermodel girlfriend. "Honey, I made you some oeufs", she says in her Quebec accent. Davey Pee smiles to himself again. She brings him his food, and then his supermodel girlfriend lightly kisses him on the lips, saying: "Thank you for existing. You're so perfect." He'll be late for work. He throws his bathrobe aside, and rushes into his car. He works at
  8. Lmao, in what world does Switch have no 3rd party support? It's FAR more support than previous Nintendo systems.
  9. 10 million in two months? That's the biggest figure I've seen for a game console if true.
  10. Mike, you need to go back to the Snake Plissken av. It made your posts even more enjoyable.
  11. I've been watching the FMV game Black Dahlia on YouTube after reading a YouTube comment. So far it's pretty good. It's about an investigation into a serial killer during WW2. The plot and presentation of this shit is literally more entertaining and gripping than any TV show or movie I've seen. Holy fuck it's so good.
  12. Not even joking, but I honestly think a 1024x768 CRT looks better in quality than a 1900x1200 LCD. I don't know why, but something about it is WAY easier on the eyes.
  13. Where did you niggas get 1900x1200 and 1600 x 1200 CRTs?
  14. Stocks are all correlated. If the broader market goes down, so will most individual stocks. Sep 28 was around when everything began plunging.
  15. I don't think MOST people are saying there's no differences between the genders. They're saying gender doesn't end with anatomy. AKA anatomy doesn't define gender. Someone with a dick CAN be a girl, but not everyone, or most, with a dick will feel like they are a girl deep down. Likewise someone with a vagina can be a man depending on how they genuinely feel inside and their life history. make sense?
  16. Does anyone still use them for PCs? Can you even buy them anymore?
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