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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. I'm not watching a 6-hour anything on R Kelly
  2. It's about a werewolf terrorizing a German town, and you play as Gabriel slowly uncovering a weird ass cult in the town. It's seriously, seriously a good game and story. The soundtrack is top notch. Unforgettable characters. The whole 90's vibe adds a quirky, fun vibe. IMO one of the best games ever made. My top 10. Just play it for an hour and see if I'm wrong
  3. I mean, you can play it too. I don't know what exactly you're getting at. It's one of the greatest games I've ever played - legit.
  4. "no story" ? Game has the most enthralling story I've ever played. And the cutscenes are totally fine. You should do yourself a favor and watch the youtube playthrough.
  5. They're better than actual movies. Just watched Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon on youtube.
  6. What some people don't get is that 3% eventually turns into 5%. Then 5% turns into 7%. Then guess what? At that point, there's NO fixing the problem. It's become too big to fix. Hell, many are already saying fixing 3% is impossible.
  7. 3% at this scale is not "oh, it's a minor problem." That's 11 million people. Obviously we can't have 0% but it's a massive problem.
  8. "Pew estimated the total population of illegal citizens to be 11.1 million in 2014, or approximately 3 percent of the U.S. population." So in 2014, 3% of the population was an illegal citizen. Can you explain how 11 million people here illegally isn't a problem?
  9. Did you miss this? : "Argument from authority is a fallacy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_authority " You are basing your entire argument on a FALLACY. There's so many holes in your thinking that it's not even funny. To top it off, those experts you just cited are referring to Hillary's KNOWN positions. The whole point of the Wikileaks transcript is that she is revealing something she wouldn't reveal in public about her true beliefs. She CAN'T say openly what she really feels about open borders, because that would lead to massive
  10. So you really won't respond. It's because you have no good answer. Trying to pull the wool over peoples' eyes to make your political faction look better is sad. This is comical. You've been exposed. Trying to cover up the truth is poisonous.
  11. That's not what I asked you. i asked you to respond to what I wrote, which is: 1) When have you ever seen the phrase "open borders" used in an energy context? 2) Why would she repeat the same exact concept in two different terms?  Argument from authority is a fallacy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_authority You are citing experts blindly. I am citing and evaluating what they SAY. You are arguing from a fallacy, and I am arguing on the basis of reasoning.
  12. "Jacob Vigdor, professor of public policy and governance at University of Washington, said Clinton appeared to be talking about both trade and immigration. "I would read the remark as calling for open borders with regard to both trade and immigration. Otherwise the term ‘open trade and open borders’ would be redundant," he said." And how do you respond to common-sense reasoning like this? When have you ever seen the phrase "open borders" used in an energy context? Why would she repeat the same exact concept in two different terms? Can't wait to hear your response.
  13. It'll come bundled with Coke Zero and cheetos
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