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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. "At the debate, Clinton replied that her sentence from the speech related to energy." "The experts said Clinton’s remarks were not a clear-cut call for open borders." [One expert disagreeing and saying it was obvious she was talking about open borders in the conventional sense] And PolitiFact's conclusion: "Clinton has said she was talking about clean energy, but we can’t fully evaluate her remarks to a bank because we don’t have the full speech." Trying to sell people snake-oil on what Hilary was saying is hilarious. Saying language you used m
  2. I don't see your point. I said Hilary wants open borders. I link to Hilary saying in secret she "dreams" of "open borders." And you're saying it doesn't matter because the speech was addressed to bankers? Or if you're claiming "open borders" refers to energy and not people in the speech, you are totally wrong.
  3. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/oct/8/hillary-clinton-dreams-open-borders-leaked-speech-/ See how dumb you are.
  4. Hilary wanted to totally open our borders. Our culture would not be the same culture in 10 years if anyone just came over. I'm not really a racist, but do you guys seriously think that's a good idea? If you mix everything, you don't magically get a "best" of all the elements. Instead you get a hodge-podge mess. Just trying to understand the mindset.
  5. Nah. You're putting on an act to impress others and are secretly enjoying all the wonderful games XBOX offers in private. /s
  6. No. What Bodycount did is like leaving his GF after he discovered her cheating on him with BBC. What you did was like sticking around and claiming "it's still good enough for me" while you eat the cum out of a used pussy, and call it being "faithful."
  7. so you're saying he's genuine in his criticisms and scathing hatred. ROFF
  8. Why do you purposefully try to pretend you don't know who someone is
  9. Your argument boils down to "I didn't like the differences, therefore 1.6 and GO better." CSGO is a terrible game. I played with so many aimhackers that it's ridiculous. Made me permanently uninstall the game and never look back. And of course I was gold when I was playing versus HACKERS and smurfs, and not to mention kicked by children for using smart strategies. Clown. As for 1.6, I'm not a graphics whore by any means, but playing a shooter in that 8bit, 3-pixel shit is intolerable even for me. One of the few times I'll say Poitras has a valid point. And I ac
  10. Imagine how much faith in humanity we would lose if X was #1 or even #2.
  11. These are not flaws, these are FEATURES of the game! You think Valve wouldn't patch the awp quickswitch if it wasn't intended? I knew he was full of shit as soon as I saw him complaining about being unable to buy ammo.
  12. I logged in hundreds, possibly thousands of hours, playing this game. I think I have SOME authority on what criticisms make sense, and which don't. when I see bullshit, I call it like it is.
  13. Deano. I'm sorry but I'm starting to think NOTHING you say makes ANY sense. You are seriously criticizing CSS because of its "map scale", "there were objects in the maps", and "because you can't buy ammo." I can't take anything you say seriously The fuck is wrong with this guy? You see 2 + 2 = 4 and he sees 2 + 2 = Green
  14. None of these are proper criticisms. Especially "improperly scaled maps," which makes no sense. Maps like Aztec, dust2, and office are considered some of the best maps in all gaming. Possibly the only points you may have are hitboxes being weird (not large, weird), and "horrible lag compensation" (which I don't understand and never experienced, but I guess makes sense on the surface as a criticism). The rest are FEATURES, not criticisms. You are basically criticizing it for not being COD 10 with quick scoping and ammo purchases (who the fuck runs out of ammo in CSS? ROFL ).
  15. Well, my rating was actually influenced by this website. We used to play games on our own server and everyone used to take it seriously, having matches with sigbets based on who won. Some people here were addicted like it was crack and were literally on the server 24/7. I would definitely not have liked it as much if I just played alone on random servers with random people. Also don't know what you mean by "taking it seriously was a joke" when they had a serious competitive scene iirc.
  16. wait, isn't Endless Ocean by Akira? Why would Nintendo trademark a game they don't even make?
  17. LMFAO Ok, this troll was actually funny. Good job
  18. You got banned by "baiting" a board where it was considered normal to spam 50 pics of decapitated bodies in threads. BULLSHIT LMFAO The ONLY guy I recall getting banned in those days posted actual CP. Nice try kid.
  19. LMFAO So you had "unknown" accounts in the past that were "banned." SW never banned people in the past tard. You're a 2012 noob trying to pass yourself off as a vet
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