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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. I always shielded myself from shit like that. Never even clicked the threads. For precisely this reason.
  2. There's a reason why you don't ever watch videos like this. You psychologically traumatize yourself. The fact you still remember details from 10 years ago tells me it effected you deeply.
  3. Anyone that tweets this: "Perhaps I’m bias but I’m surprised Forza Horizon 4 isn’t in Game of the Year lists. IMO best racing game ever. Perhaps racing doesn’t make the lists." is a fucking MORON shit sounds like something from a comedy movie, but it's real. XBox actually employs these people. At EXTREMELY HIGH WAGES.
  4. Apparently they were filmed live being beheaded. I have 0 sympathy. Take them out of the gene pool.
  5. I should get this on my Switch. Best on N. Someone sell me on this game.
  6. No one "hates" Odyssey to my knowledge. They're just saying it wasn't GOTG.
  7. Where is GD and Remij? They were hyping this game BIG TIME. @-GD- @Remij_
  8. Aza losing 40 pounds on a diet of bacon, mayo, butter, meat, and "a minimum of 3 giant diet coca colas a day" (by his own claim) is SIDE-SPLITTINGLY HILARIOUS It never happened - I promise you.
  9. Yeah, let's just take Aza's COMPLETELY unsubstantiated claims seriously because he said it. Poitr-ARSE logic at its finest.
  10. Because the real challenge begins after you beat the main story. The story is safe for CASUALS. Some of the boss re-match fights in peach's castle are no joke. Had to basically use an exploit to win one.
  11. Nintendo themselves made this distinction when they released Odyssey. This is definitely not a typical Mario game. There's way more exploration elements than any other game.
  12. I definitely wouldn't call it lazy. You're approaching it wrong (with a platformer mindset). Instead, think "find these stars and explore/uncover the map*. The fun is in uncovering the worlds to get the stars. In SM64 and Galaxy, etc the goal is to get the stars. You misidentified the means as the goal.
  13. SM64 is a pure platformer. This is an explorer based game. They're different genres. Also, all Mario games are collection based (stars) They just added MORE to collect, and gave you more valuable things to do with the stuff you collect.
  14. I never played that but kept hearing good things at the time.
  15. I had the exact opposite experience. "7/10" initially and it slowly kept increasing until I got to Peach's Kingdom and became 9.7/10.
  16. Let's see here... 1) Innovative online element added to the Mario franchise 2) Completely innovative revamp of the coin system, buying you items instead of lives 3) Fantastic worlds, though there could've been a bit more 4) TOP of the line graphics and animations 5) Attention to detail paid in all aspects of the gameplay. Basically no glitches. 6) Creative purple coin system encourages exploration of all aspects of a world 7) Massive amount of content. After beating the main story line, you are only 25% done with the game and the real challenge has b
  17. "Just jump through these hoops to get what you want" Sony and Microsoft exclusives.
  18. I've played all 5 of my Switch games within 20 seconds of putting the cartridge in. non-Switch peons can't even fathom it
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