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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. If you have something to say, speak up and say it directly like a man.
  2. LMAO he doesn't even know that I also doubt Aza understands any of the shit he linked. His IQ is too low. Here's a typical sentence: "Initial studies indicate that the ketogenic diet appears effective in other metabolic conditions, including phosphofructokinase deficiency and glycogenosis type V (McArdle disease)". The odds of Aza understanding this are 0. Literally ALL he did was google some keywords and try to find a positive article. This is all he could find. This shit says NOTHING about diet. It's an article about how the diet helps people with rare conditio
  3. lmfao all of this is using wishy-washy language "May" "Appears to" "Might" "SEEMS" ROFLMFAO
  4. Two of these are entirely false characterizations of my position. The last one was a joke/tongue-in-cheek comment. I'm running CIRCLES around you
  5. So your primary evidence is "unknown people" who are "noting" things, and all these things they're noting just happen to be EXACTLY also what you believe/support.
  6. Diet of Mayo on cheese, butter on bacon, with 3 large diet cokes a day. David Poitr-ARSE: "I think he has the elements of the science right" ROFL
  7. That awkward moment when even AzaFloppa's supporters start silently bailing on him after seeing again his post about diet coke and mayo with cheese
  8. The Washington Post didn't conduct the study you tard They're just REPORTING ON IT. Let me guess, you also don't trust universities, experts, and professors? but some youtube kid has authority?
  9. How many times will we say this? Nobody is saying eat ONLY white bread, bagels, pasta, and cream cheese. If you eat it as a meal, there is NOTHING wrong with that. So what you really want to say is: Eat bacon and butter, diet coke, and mayo with cheese all day vs. Eat Salmon, apples, a bagel with diet cream cheese, eggs, and a fiber bar all day as meals.
  10. The problem with the aspartame is it feels like sugar but it's not. So the body doesn't know how to react exactly and does weird shit. A common response is a hunger trigger. They did a study that showed that DIET COKE was specifically linked to weight gain. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2017/07/18/diet-drinks-are-associated-with-weight-gain-new-research-suggests/?utm_term=.54b6f3a09b19 It may possibly be MORE UNHEALTHY than 40 grams of sugar drink.
  11. Again, you view everything in extremes. Either a steak will COMPLETELY fill you, or a bagel will leave you COMPLETELY empty and endlessly hungry for more. Both are absurd. Do you know what the worst thing you're doing? Drinking that diet coke. It's been provably LINKED to weight gain.
  12. I meant sucralose, not fructose. As for aspartame and sucralose, etc,, there have been studies done that show it increases hunger and causes people to over-eat. The body doesn't know how to process the false-sugar. As I said, if it didn't have that, it would be 100% healthy (apart from the acidity on your teeth). Anything to say now?
  13. Neither do I see anything wrong with a few bacon slices. But you have to admit Aza's diet is HILARIOUS
  14. Did I not already say that the sugar-replacement (fructose, aspartame, etc) is bad because it promotes hunger and thus more calories? If it didn't have that, I would approve it as healthy.
  15. David Poitr-ARSE sees nothing wrong with butter on bacon and mayo on cheese. ROFLMAO
  16. bringing gender into food is absurdI just do what works. I don't give a fuck WHO does it. Also, you drink 3 BIG BOTTLES OF DIET COKE A DAY. Do you have any clue how bad that is for a diet? Fucking hell.
  17. David Poitr-ARSE takes the short bus That's even WORSE than eating bacon with mayo. Not to mention his DIET COKE habit! OMFG
  18. there's NOTHING wrong with eating a bagel for breakfast. I'm not saying eat 5 bagels a day only and nothing else (like you seem to be claiming for bacon and mayo)
  19. And the mayo? A single tablespoon of mayo has 94 calories and 15% fat. That's not empty calories, right?
  20. Because the body burns more calories at certain times of the day. Anything eaten past 8 PM will add considerably more weight to you. Anything eaten in the morning will burn more calories than normal.
  21. What you still don't get in your small brain is that THOSE OTHER FACTORS ARE ONLY IMPORTANT BECAUSE THEY CHANGE CALORIES. The quality of your calories matters because it determines how full you will feel, and therefore be less hungry to consume more calories. Your blood sugar level is the same thing. Your metabolism determines how much calories your body is burning in a normal relaxed state. etc.
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