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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. He's a fucking tard. He was saying earlier that cutting calories = eating 300 calories a day. He views everything in extremes. "eating 20 grams of sugar in a day = INSULIN SPIKE!!111"
  2. Let me explain it like I would to a 5 year-old: You cannot lose weight without losing more than you take in. You cannot make money by losing more than you take in. You cannot gain anything on earth by losing more than you take in. Pounds are made out of calories. You fucking idiot.
  3. you typed out something using scientific facts. of course his mind won't be able to process it.
  4. Eating once a day is retarded. You will feel extremely full in the middle of the day, then extremely hungry at both the end and beginning. All because you want to "look cool" with backwards logic when it comes to dieting. It's backwards and shiny-sounding, so it must be correct, right?
  5. Sugar is recommended below 40 grams daily. Eating 4 white bagels with my cream cheese will get you 24 grams of sugar. What sugar bomb?
  6. Wow. You literally have NO logic in that tiny head.
  7. You fell for snake oil - hook, line and sinker.
  8. You can eat McDonalds every day and look like this: Man featured in SuperSize Me documentary, recorded to have eaten Big Macs every day. What you eat isn't a magic pill that will transform your body. Exercise is. As soon as you see Aza and Poitr-ARSE on one side of the debate, you already know who won.
  9. You can't quantify results with something like "80% come from diet and 20% gym". What does that even mean? You just pulled these numbers out your ass. you get NO results without training. I'm not downplaying nutrition. It's EQUALLY important. Not more.
  10. you're changing the argument now and using strawmen. your original argument was "Nutrition is more important than exercise for bodybuilding." Now it's become, "Nutrition is more important than exercising for good health in general" That's not the same at all. I'm done.
  11. since you're legitimately low IQ, let me explain how it works: 1) Training gives you muscles. No training, 0 muscles. 2) The food you eat helps training endurance and provides the necessary ingredients for muscle building. Both are equally important. #2 is not more important than #1 for bodybuilding, nor can it be logically.
  12. is JUST AS IMPORTANT doesnt mean IS MORE IMPORTANT you clutz
  13. you can't bodybuild without training you dumbshit. You think eating food by itself will give muscles? What is your IQ?
  14. you're so retarded it's not even funny. Aza logic: "THIS HAS 1 GOOD THING IN IT, THEREFORE EATING IT BY THE BUCKETLOAD = GOOD FOR YOU"
  15. If you really want vitamins, why wouldn't you just take a vitamin supplement? let me guess, it's "unnatural" but Chernobyl meat isn't
  16. Aza thinks 50 calories per tablespoon with no calcium is FAR LESS healthy than 8% calcium with 300 calories per tablespoon. good GOD
  17. What exactly would be unhealthy about it? Just the simple fact it has no calcium?
  18. I don't know where you shop, but I don't really see scenarios where diet cookies instead have a bunch of sugar to compensate. Usually I see the opposite - the sugar is like 10g for diet, and 30g for non-diet. Which is a massive difference. Also, fat isn't really too important in diets. The most important things are 1) calories, and 2) sugar.
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