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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. First of all, fasting is said to SLOW metabolism. Secondly, you are horribly oversimplifying the human body. "If I do X, metabolism will increase, if I do Y it will decrease." The human body doesn't work that way because there's too many factors going on.
  2. Fasting IS caloric restriction. Just a horrible way to go about it.
  3. Exercise speeds up your metabolism and has health benefits. You are right that it may increase hunger a little, but it doesn't work in a linear way. Also: muscles actually BURN calories once they are created. Muscles will burn calories without you having to do anything once you have them. Also, stop assuming "caloric restriction" means you are going on a Holocaust diet with 300 calories a day. You IDIOTS , all you need to do is cut 500 calories from your 'maintenance' and you will LOSE weight quickly. Eat 2,000 healthy calories a day and you will lose massive weight.
  4. If by '7 day fast' you mean not eat ANYTHING for 7 days, then you are literally autistic.
  5. Because you are taking in LESS calories you clown. If you lose weight, that means you took in LESS calories than your body's maintenance. And this is where you prove your autism again. Exercise doesn't CHANGE the amount of calories you require. All exercise is, is BURNING calories! It's still BASIC math. If I need 2,500 calories for maintaining my weight. Then I exercise and burn 200 that same day. I will need 2,700 overall to maintain my weight. Because 200 were burned and therefore like they were never even consumed.
  6. He's linking fucking youtube superstars while I link to peer-reviewed scientific studies
  7. Fasting is an AWFUL idea. All it does is painfully make your body more hungry. Your views on nutrition are literally ass-backwards. the #1 most important thing is actually eating the PROPER foods that will have low calories and high satiety. The #2 most important thing is EXERCISE (cardio and/or weightlifting). The fasting bullshit has NO PLACE in a healthy person's diet.
  8. Yes you fucking clown. There are RAW, quantifiable numbers, for EACH human being. It won't be 800 maintenance one day, and the next day 2,000. In my personal life, I DON'T ignore them. Because they have an effect on HUNGER, satiety, and other health, which is in turn an effect on CALORIES. You are talking to someone who lost 20 lbs in a single month. I KNOW what I'm talking about; you don't.
  9. The body's metabolism is a complex thing that doesn't change based on a single factor. Keep simplifying extremely complex scientific things like the human body to support whatever crock pot view you have, though.
  10. Since you legitimately seem to have no clue how this works: Your current body has a "minimum" level of calories it needs every day in order to sustain its weight. There are scientific, raw numbers available. Hypothetically, let's say your maintenance is 2,500 calories. If you eat LESS, you will LOSE weight. If you eat 2,400 calories when your daily maintenance is 2,500, you will slowly LOSE weight. If you eat more, you MUST gain weight by definition. You don't 'starve' yourself, you just LOSE more than you take in. You
  11. Yes you can. Go on an all Coca-Cola diet with 40g sugar. Drink 5 a day to get 800 calories and 200g of sugar. At the end of 1 month you will end up looking like a skeleton. The problem is that it will make you hungry to consume more calories. If you actually stick to this hypothetical diet, you cannot NOT lose weight.
  12. LMFAO Jesus Christ. You have no clue what processed meat means. It's not frozen pizza meat, it's almost every meat sold in a grocery store. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Processed_meat
  13. This post proves your clueless. I'm not even going bother to explain. You CANNOT lose weight without burning more calories than you take in.
  14. "Processed meat consumption has also been strogly linked to a higher risk of stomach cancer."" People with high cholesterol may have a higher risk of certain conditions and diseases such as atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack. Butter is high in calories and fat, so people should eat it in moderation or replace it with healthy unsaturated fas.n A simple, 5 second google search shows what a brilliant idea your diet is
  15. This is proof you have no clue about anything. Scientific studies empirically show that fat has LEAST effect on feeling full, than even PROTEINS ! let alone fiber ! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK53550/
  16. As soon as you see Poitras, Voidler, and Aza on one side of a debate and Deeno, me, and ghostz on the other side. you don't even have to know what the debate's about, to know who won.
  17. He's so clueless that he said I was in the 1950s for thinking that you can LITERALLY eat McDonalds all day. If you burn more than you take in, you will lose weight. There was a fit runner in a documentary who did nothing but eat big macs all day for 30 years.
  18. I laughed irl when he said that fiber is bad for you in the next post. literally probably THE most important thing for losing weight
  19. It's far more complex and nuanced than a simple statement like that you clown. Idiot.
  20. Carbohydrates aren't sugar you low IQ cunt. Or else they would be called "sugar" and not "carbohydrates."
  21. The sugar in fruit takes a long time to enter your body and goes slowly. It goes into your body slowly due to fruits being high in FIBER. In fact, the most important part of a diet where you want to lose weight is FIBER, because it promotes the feeling of non-hunger. If you knew anything about food, you'd realize this. Also, calories in and calories out is LITERALLY the only thing necessary. Saying it doesn't work is like saying 1 + 1 doesn't equal 2. There are other factors, but at the end of the day it's as simple as calories in - calories out to lose w
  22. why are WHITE whiteknighting for RACISM when it's not? How much of a CUCK do you have to be?
  23. Mayo and butter aren't superfoods. And meat isn't good to eat in very high quantities. Judging by the fact you lose 40 lbs easily, that tells me you were severely overweight. (Because overweight people can lose pounds far more easily). You don't know squat about diets. Mayo has 100 calories and 15% fat in a SINGLE teaspoon. Real superfoods would be eggs, salmon, chicken, salads, fruits (oranges, apples, bananas), oatmeal. None of the trash you're eating is good.
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