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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. LMAO. I told you idiots not to buy it, and then this happens
  2. If that guy did that to me, I would make him regret it. (By abusing the police system and calling 911 to lock him up).
  3. So you see no problem with one completely separate game using the assets of another one, especially when the game being copied was a disaster? ok
  4. how DARE you ruin our simulation of the battle of Bull Run
  5. I like Jerry, but that thread was hilarious too
  6. Attitude era > everything on earth. any WWF past the year 2006 < a pile of feces
  7. Im convinced people like Spicoli, Deano and JonB are fake nobody can support this
  8. That's nothing compared to Mankind vs. Undertaker. He fell into literal thumb tacks
  9. i remember seeing the promo for that Wrestlemania as a kid. it STILL hypes me up for the match, as if Stone Cold is going to face the Rock next week and I have to watch.
  10. i just need good games and I'm all set. You see, Im one of those people called "gamers." you may have heard of them at some point.
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