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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. This blue and red box of JOY is so godly! I've been playing Dark Souls and SMB 3. Gives me a bolt of joy to boot it up each time. TCHBR
  2. you write, way, way too many words and there is no way I am reading any of that.
  3. Dear Premium AAAAE Gaming, I have arrived. Sincerely, SheepKilla
  4. I was watching a youtube vid about this, Anyone who bought that deserves whatever they got coming to them. It's your fault if you're an idiot with your money to such an extent.
  5. gamestop hasn't even shipped my Swich after 2 days already.
  6. Going into my post history to try to stalk me and my finances. Because not like I'd lie about how much it is per year to not make people freak out and view me differently on the forums, right?
  7. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are still eating at McDonalds to save money, but I'm gonna put on airs and pretend I'm too good to save money smartly "The “Oracle of Omaha” Warren Buffett tailors his breakfast order according to how the market is doing that day, according to the HBO documentary “Becoming Warren Buffett.” If the market’s down, Buffett opts for the $2.95 sausage McMuffin instead of the $3.17 bacon egg and cheese biscuit" Enjoy that mortgage for the new GTX, RemiPee
  8. TFW you realize I have a LOT more money than you because I know the concept of value and have been applying it smartly throughout my life while investing in stocks.
  9. You don't seem to comprehend that I'm making fun of the value for this, not telling you what to buy. I'm talking about the system, not you. Why would I care what you buy or don't buy? You must clearly have narcissism disorder, to think I'd care about your personal finances. christ
  10. Cows here are defending it harder than Germany defended Berlin in 1945
  11. neither of those things = me telling you how to spend money. It's me laughing in general that it's a low value product. You're clearly a spazz ITT.
  12. Can someone point out to me where I told him how to spend his money? No, you can't. All I did was post a sarcastic question with a laugh smiley. Reading comprehension, kids. Nobody gives a fuck about your finances.
  13. It's called value, clown. I will spend $2,000 on something if it gives the proper value in return for my investment. I won't spend even $5 on something that has NO value or such low value as to be negligible. What part of that don't you get?
  14. Cows putting on airs as if they're Warren Buffet now.
  15. CowShits here are literally trying to defend paying $100 for something that's FREE and PROVEN LOWER QUALITY than that free thing. Let that sink in for a moment.
  16. If they actually filed it, I guarantee they'd win. They actually wouldn't mind it being dragged out for decades because they're used to it. Hell, some random guy in California sued Microsoft over the RROD once and won
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