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Everything posted by 54212

  1. And now straight to the "alt-right" slur, further proving my point. Stick to video games Ike. You're in way over you head with politics.
  2. Government policies have no affect on consumer prices? Government energy policy doesn't affect energy supply? Government regulations don't affect home building? Do you know anything about macroeneomics?
  3. Are you for real? Your entire argument is whataboutism. "What about Uvalde and Buffalo?" And Uvalde wasn't even politically motivated. And my point is your side has been cranking up the heated rhetoric far more than the Republicans. From BLM claiming the US is committing genocide against blacks (that was literally what they said in their mission statement for years) to Biden claiming the RNC is going to put black people "back in chains" (another actual quote) to calling conservatives Deplorables and Trump an Orange Hitler.
  4. You = your side. And your argument requires people to believe that after 40 years of relatively low inflation, corporations suddenly conspired to drastically raise their prices in the US all at once and create the worst inflation since the early '80s. That it has nothing to do with printing trillions of new dollars and dumping them into the markets.
  5. Or the Bernie Bro who tried to mass assassinate Republican Congressmen. Or the anti-white DC sniper and anti-white NYU subway shooter in April or the tranny who tried to stab Chappelle or the anti-white Waukesha Christmas parade driver who mowed down kids and grannies. Yes I know. But keep calling Republicans a bunch of gay-hating racists led by Orange Hitler. That's sure to bring down the temp.
  6. And when it began to overheat the economy, you dumped trillions more in, and you still want to dump trillions more in. It's a real mystery why this happened:
  7. Your side dumped trillions into an overheated economy and wants to dump trillions more into it. It's like you only get your news from CNN.
  8. Your side just tried to murder a Supreme Court justice and has been firebombing and attacking churches and Christian pregnancy centers all over the country. It's happening right now. What is this shit gaslighting? You're in a thread right now about the assassination attempt, you moron.
  9. The funny part about this Soviet show trial is that it helps De Santos win the '24 nom. The Democrats' monkey paw curls another finger.
  10. The Left is about to catch up fast if Roe is overturned, and the Right literally believes it's fighting against child murder while the Left is merely fighting to have sex without having to worry about having a child. The stakes are much higher for the Right but look at how the Left is behaving at mere possibility the states deciding abortion law instead of the feds. Speaks volumes.
  11. Remember when Biden and Saki refused to condemn people protesting outside the homes of rightwing justices, and Schumer said Kavanaugh had "released the whirlwind and would pay the price"? How much coverage will this story get from NYT, WaPo, and CNN? We know how much coverage it would get if the parties were reversed: Hair on fire for weeks. NYT already has a buried two-thirds down their front page. My guess is their coverage will completely stop by Friday morning.
  12. Hold on. Second boosters are only cleared for people 50+. You're a Sikh. You're supposed to be a role model of bravery, not some neurotic Lefty who's so paranoid about Covid they've bullshitted pharmacies to get seventeen boosters. Sub, what are you doing?
  13. LOL! You're truly the dumbest person alive. And I taught you what pump-and-dump is you twit.
  14. Is Remy still upset we're opposed to grooming Kindergarteners into queer theory?
  15. You're doing this slimy game? Of course you are. Okay. He wore black eyeliner and all black clothing, and as you and Jerry show, being an incel cuts across political lines. He's one of yours yet again. Just like the DC sniper in April who was a member of the Nation of Islam and had a picture of Yakub hanging on the wall of his apartment. Just like the NYU subway shooter also in April who was a virulent anti-white racist. Just like the tranny who attacked Chappelle on stage with a knife. Just like the Waukesha Christmas parade murderer who was also a virulent anti-white racist.
  16. This big wave of consolidation sucks. It's the short road to killing off a lot of creativity.
  17. 54212


    You never fail to come up with the dumbest takes imaginable.
  18. 54212


    1. The basic question is what are the necessary and/or sufficient characteristics a being must have in order have a right to life. You first have to establish that principle. Without getting into the weeds, I think it's higher intelligence, and a human fetus gains a right to life when its cerebral cortex begins to come online during the end of the second trimester. As such I think abortion is fully ethical up until that point. 2. I've always thought Roe was a poor ruling and a prime example of judicial activism, which I think is blatantly anti-democratic and anti-consti
  19. Yeah Em didn't break the genre barrier at all. The RRHoF embraced rap from the start as an important RnR genre -- I remember all the bickering about whether rap should even be included. I think Run DNC got in on their first year of eligibility too and that's been a while now.
  20. On their first year of eligibility? Almost exclusively the really big artists like Tupac and Jay Z, Nirvana and Pearl Jam, Madonna and U2.
  21. Poor Judas Priest keeps getting left off everyone's recap of who got in.
  22. Congrats! It's always cool to hit those marks.
  23. That person's accent + speaking rhythm is the worst I've heard in awhile. It makes my brain feel like it's starting to liquify.
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