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Everything posted by 54212

  1. After rereading the thread, you're right. I should've left off "I would ask this question to everyone." It was clumsy. I wasn't consciously trying to defend Cooke, but I was, and he didn't need to be defended. And it stepped on the point I wanted to discuss.
  2. Yes I would, just as I'd ask everyone what they think if someone makes the argument that Covid is a pandemic of the unvaxxed. You're trying to get Cooke. I'm trying to point out how hard the data is to read.
  3. Just to add one point: The data seems to show the mRNA vaccines do very little if anything to stop infections, but they do reduce the severity of infections, although less than we had expected. If that's the case, the unvaccinated aren't a thread to the vaccinated. Both are pretty much an equal threat to one another since the vaccine, again, does little if anything to stop infection. The argument for mandatory vaccinations then becomes stopping out healthcare system from getting too strained. But is the strain enough right now to justify the mandates? (And on top of t
  4. I'd ask this question to everyone. To me the data is a giant maze. CDC current 7-day average: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/?CDC_AA_refVal=https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html#cases_casesper100klast7days Current UK numbers: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1034383/Vaccine-surveillance-report-week-46.pdf And I know this is a sample size of 1, but after the second booster, I ran a 103 fever for a few da
  5. If this is what it looks like, the leftwing press have a river of blood on their hands for all the lies they told about Kyle Rittenhouse and all the racial hatred they fueled, especially MSNBC.
  6. Sure it is. And you're an ugly fat middle-aged sperg that lives with his parents and has no job. You're literally an incel. And your favorite porno is about a guy who chokes a girl and sexually assaults her. You need to have some deep-seated hatred of women to find this funny:
  7. Gay guys making fun of lesbians is new to you? Do you even have any gay friends? No for real?
  8. Gotta say, when I first saw Returnal I immediately thought, "Who's going to want to play as Megan Rapinoe? Are they insane?"
  9. Not guilty on all charges. Burn in hell woketard goons. I was right on every count from the gun charges to the murder charges. Undefeated. Move to disbar Binger. Go on the offense. Jerry you moron, you're not allowed to ever have a legal opinion again.
  10. I ordered it last night. GS' running a B2G1 deal on new games so I ordered three copies figuring I can give out the other two copies as easy Xmas gifts.
  11. It has four difficulty settings and you can change the difficulty at will except on hard mode. I want to play through Dread one more time but after that I think I'll get this.
  12. Well on the flip side at least we can now write off any judge who likes Imagine or Arlo Guthrie as communist stooges. But can we get a ruling on the Sex Pistols?
  13. Now you're admitting you were too stupid to realize he also faces legal exposure as a producer, and you're too dumb to realize that's what I was making fun of that in the post. But by all means keep making yourself look dumber. Meanwhile, take the Rittenhouse bet, you worm. PUSSY
  14. Basic common sense says he was almost certainly going to face numerous civil suits and would need a defense. Your dumb ass couldn't even figure that much out. And LOL @ being too afraid to take the Rittenhouse bet. Not only are you a pathological liar and jobless middle-aged incel sperg that lives with his parents, you're a pussy on top of it. PUSSY
  15. Lighten up and stop taking it so hard that I said you'd die alone.
  16. You made no qualifications. You said he didn't need a defense. Period. You only tried to add qualifications in once you realized how stupid your claim was. Why do you suck so bad at everything? And still hiding from the Rittenhouse bet.
  17. You said Baldwin doesn't need a defense. You've just been proven wrong as always. And LOL @ you wimping out over the Rittenhouse bet. Cowardly worm.
  18. Oh yeah he does. Jerry your track record on predicting legal outcomes is worse than a coin toss, while I'm like 5 or 6-and-0 going all the way back to Trayvon Martin. You suck at everything. Bet me on Rittenhouse next. Bet: Rittenhouse isn't convicted of first-degree reckless homicide, first-degree intentional homicide, or attempted first-degree intentional homicide. Those are the three murder and attempted murder charges he's facing. Wager: Six-month self-imposed ban from SystemWars. Whoever loses has to voluntarily not post here for six months. Bet me you co
  19. I finally finished Metroid Dread and it really grew on me. My three main criticism still stand: The areas look too similar to one another, the Emmis sections are mindless trial-and-error where the easiest tactic is just to plough through them, and the music is lackluster. But what I think is so cool is that Samus moves like a 2D Dante. Especially like the Trickster style in DMC3 which gives you the air-dashing moveset. She can triple air/ground dash and infinit-jump, and it becomes really easy to quickly get a lot of distance on a boss and attack them from mid-range. The other th
  20. He's a pathological liar. He's so bad at everything that lying has become his main strategy.
  21. So much for finally playing Vice City. That sucks.
  22. Microsoft's Ignite into Focus conference on security held yesterday: https://myignite.microsoft.com/sessions/a3d82b5d-5132-41bd-bbae-15a116727ac3?source=/speakers/417d9c80-ef87-45ac-a35a-e567aa27b330 I will die in the streets of starvation before they get me to do this woketard seal act.
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