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Everything posted by 54212

  1. I finally played more of Dread and I'm in the minority. I like how nimble Samus is but otherwise I think it's a fairly paint-by-numbers sequel. The biggest complaint is the environments. They're not visually interesting (the art style reminds me of Strider 2014) and the level themes are the standard forest, ice, water themes. Likewise the power-ups are the usual Metroid outlay. The EMMI sections are supposed to be the new gameplay twist but I find them annoying more than anything. The game's so generous with checkpoints that there's no real tension to them and I mindlessly plow through them. A
  2. ^ This is how ugly of a liar Jerry is. He makes up revolting lies and then runs away when asked to prove them. Again, nothing more than a rat who wants cheese.
  3. You don't have much honor either, do you? Look at how you guys lie and lie and lie. It says volumes about your character.
  4. By intentionally ignoring that I've said civil charges right from the beginning. It's a lie of omission.
  5. It's hilarious how much you want me to get on your Sperg-Go-Round so you can try and save face. Your opinion is worthless. A Furby doing legal analysis would be more credible than you.
  6. Independents don't exist. Derp. You're still as terrible as ever at this, Jer.
  7. We've seen your picture and we know your personality. You're a fat autistic spud with a flattop. I doubt even crack addict prostitutes would have sex with you.
  8. And now you're back to lying. I brought it up the moment you said he didn't need a defense. Go read the first page. All your side does is lie.
  9. Yeah you did because you omitted that I said civil charges too from the very beginning.
  10. You don't know enough to have a credible legal opinion. Your legal opinion is worthless. Just like your life. Meanwhile I cited legal experts. No one gives a shit about your Sperg-Go-Round.
  11. And now you're lying to weasel out of the bet. When Baldwin said the set ran like a well-oiled machine, I joked that was a great defense. Jerry then said he didn't need any defense. I then said that he did because he was facing not only possible criminal charges, but likely civil charges, not to mention the harm to his career and reputation. Jerry then ignored the three last reasons why he does need a defense and tried to focus only on the first one. All your side does is lie.
  12. If you bet too, sure. Baldwin will face criminal and/or civil charges. Three month ban bet voluntarily enforced since bans aren't moderator enforced. I don't know what this accomplishes for your two since I go months without posting anyway and Baldwin's almost certainly going to be sued by someone, but sure. Are you in?
  13. I don't think of Jerry as a moral or political person at all. He's a rat who wants cheese. That's it.
  14. You're a pathological liar and a parasite who sponges off his parents. Your opinion on ethics is as laughable as your opinion on law. It's trashy as hell to attention whore on social media right after gunning down a women in cold blood.
  15. Your legal opinion is meaningless. You're a retard who knows nothing about the law. I quoted legal experts. And I said in my first post that he would likely be sued. You lose again.
  16. I'm looking at it right now on Play Asia.
  17. There's a Tiger Heli collection? I'll have to check that out.
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