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Everything posted by 54212

  1. The important games all delivered this year. 88 Monster Hunter Rise 88 Metroid Dread 87 Great Ace Attorney Chronicles 82 Neo: TWEWY 81 Monster Hunter Stories 2: Scrappy Doo Saves the World Again
  2. Now you're going to pretend to be a lawyer? You? LOL! MSN: He told the press he's eager to find out the results of the police investigation. Your boy's clearly sweating. Not just about being charged, but getting sued into oblivion and the damage to his career and reputation.
  3. Did you even finish high school? He faces the possibility of criminal charges, he's almost certainly going to face civil charges, and he also has to defend himself in the court of public opinion. And in the face of that, his first impulse when answering public questions is to blatantly lie about how well the set was run. That's not even sociopathic. It's so low-functioning that it's psychopathic. But no surprise that trash like you defends trash like him.
  4. "We were a very, very well-oiled crew." That's a winning defense strategy.
  5. I know but I'm hoping a sequel isn't entirely hopeless. Hey if you add up all the versions of DD, it's at 5.1m. Come on Capcom...
  6. It was at 4.4m as of June 30th according to Capcom's Platinum list, and recent RE games have very long sales legs. RE7 sold slower than RE5 or 6 out of the gate but has now surpassed them. https://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/finance/million.html?_pb_uid=1929
  7. What always horrified me about them is what happens if one dies? They have separate internal organs. Can the second one continue living? Does the dead one begin to decompose? Each one controls one arm and one leg.
  8. I'm pretty sure you're the biggest asshole on here. No one is consistently more angry and bitchy on here.
  9. And LOL @ his wife using a phony accent and pretending to be Spanish for years and years, and Alec going along with it. On top of everything else he's a giant wierdo.
  10. It's too bad woketards got it censored. Really stupidly censored according to even Goobs.
  11. He's a producer on the film and extremely wealthy. He preaches prog values but when his union employees complain about abusive and dangerous working conditions, he fires them and hires scrubs to replace them. Completely typical of that lot. ^ Bag of shit.
  12. Two more puzzle pieces: LA Times is saying the two misfires happened to Alec's stunt double while off set, and DMail is saying it was only one shot: the bullet passed through the cinematographer and hit the director. That makes more sense to me.
  13. Hey that's a lot better than I thought it would be. I haven't played any of them because they were so crude looking but this is okay. I love the Vice City soundtrack so I'm looking forward to finally playing it.
  14. Jesus, you're writing Jerry-length posts now? Okay. Uh-huh. Here's the ACLU, the most widely respected leftist authority on civil liberties: "Censorship, the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are "offensive," happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political or moral values on others. Censorship can be carried out by the government as well as private pressure groups. [...] Private pressure groups, not the government, promulgated and enforced the infamous Hollywood blacklists during the McCa
  15. "Forced"? Unless you're physically threatened to censor yourself, censorship isn't an issue? Economic and social penalties aren't an issue? Then why did you admit that if an obnoxious attention whore asked you'd to call them by some corny sci-fi pronouns, you'd obey them? You seem to be that afraid to be shunned by your social circle.
  16. "Name the exact Capcom employees who made the decision to censor the game othwise we have no idea which political side Capcom caved to." At least being called a prog censorship goon lit a fire under you to run away from their bullshit censorship.
  17. "I have no idea which political side Capcom caved to. It's a comp!ete mystery really." At least you're distancing yourself from the censorship now. Still not sure if it's cowardice or shamelessness.
  18. They censored it. Because progs think the sexual content is misogynistic and therefore too dangerous for the general public. And like a good little DNC company man who won't criticize the company line even when you know its bullshit, you not only ignore that your team's become the new Evangelicals, you fight for the party line. Does that make you a coward or shameless? I don't know. How's ur Wednesday?
  19. $50 for the controllers is crazy. When Nintendo re-released the NES controllers they were only $10. And are they offering the expansion pack without the $25 AC DLC?
  20. George. Nevermind that it looks like a sexed-up Precious Moments figurine and igoring that the saki set looks like a free casino giveaway, that wall color is terrible.
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