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Everything posted by 54212

  1. I gave you a mountain of evidence showing that the left constantly censors, cancels, and indoctrinates, and instead of refuting any of it, you ran straight to the mods to get the thread locked even though it was you guys who were the one who derailed it. You look like an absolute wimp right now.
  2. I didn't even post in the thread until Jerry derailed it by whining about Dave Chapelle's politics. And then when I killed your gaslighting, you tattled to the mods like a little girl. A grown man tattling to the mods because he lost an argument. You should be ashamed of yourself.
  3. The thread was political from the onset. It was about your side getting RE4 censored for political reasons. And the thread was locked because Gouk tattled to the mods after I stopped his ridiculous gaslighting. And you using incel as an insult is high irony when your wingmen are Jerry, Gouk, and Lost Soul. I'd be shocked if Jerry's ever had sex, and speaking of someone who would fuck any girl they can, your boy Lost Soul is a textbook example of that.
  4. A queer artist radio station? This new wave of segregation is so bizarre. Does that mean no I Will Survive or I'm Coming Out because Gaynor and Ross aren't gay?
  5. Go threaten to kill Rand Paul and everyone in his office and see what happens. We now live in a banana republic run by the worktards.
  6. And now the worktards will try to get the evidence of their bullshit erased even though they've been talking politics throughout this thread.
  7. It's designed to have a chilling affect on dissent. Compare the FBI's response to Antifa. Crickets. In fact the FBI just admitted they don't even track Leftist violence because they don't consider it organized. But those angry parents, oh boy a threat to the Republic. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2021/10/04/fbi-admits-agents-dont-track-antifa-violence-vandalism-n2596814
  8. Big Brother: Biden administration targets the middle and working classes by seeking to require banks to report all transaction over $600 to the IRS Cancelled: British Airways will no longer address passengers as "ladies and gentlemen" in order to promote diversity Cancelled: Michael B. Jordan's rum brand Chill Affect: FBI forms taskforce to investigate parents who speak out against the Left's political indoctrination of their children in public K-12 schools Cancelled: Cuban refugees not allowed entry i
  9. Woke Segregation: Emory University now has segregated housing for racial minority women Problematic: NPR condemns free speech Cancelled: New Jeopardy host Mike Richards forced out for making dad jokes about women Cancelled: Boston Pride self-cancels over activist complaints that it's not diverse enough Woke as Fuck: Largest US teachers union backs plan to teach full CRT in K-12 public schools nationwide
  10. Triggering: The National Archives adds trigger warning to their entire archive including the US Declaration of Independence and the Constitution Cancelled: Comedy Central bans The Office's Diversity Day episode and NBC bans Seinfeld's Puerto Rican Day Parade episode Cancelled: Tripwire CEO forced out after tweeting supporting Texas heartbeat law Big Brother: A supermajority of Dems favor increased government censorship of the internet Cancelled: Satire site The Babylon Bee -- the Politburo will
  11. Since the worktards are trying to gaslight everyone again, it's time for everyone's favorite post. The Great Retard Awokening: Cancellations, Struggle Sessions, and Bad Fashion Cancelled: Bright Sheng, UM professor and survivor of Mao's Cultural Revolution, forced to step down after showing the 1965 version of Othello in class because Laurence Olivier darkened his skin for the role Cancelled: English Touring Opera fires half its orchestra because they're white Cancelled: DeBlasio elminates gifted classes in K-1
  12. LOL! How is this thread not in the Hall of Fame? This is the funniest no-win situation I've ever seen someone get trapped into on this board.
  13. Two of the woketards' main tactics: 1. Catastrophize. Exaggerate threats and potential harm in order to gain power. The male gaze blah-blah-blah in RE4 is dangerous to women and non-binary people and must be censored. 2. When criticized for being snowflakes, call the critics snowflakes for even caring. This is Jerry's second favorite tactic right behind "U mad." Meanwhile the worktards just got RE4 censored, but no, it's the critics of their censorship that are the real babies.
  14. I just read up on him. He said gay people are unproductive because they don't have children and he believed the claims about Nanking etc. were overblown. I'm shocked a 90-year-old would minimize criticisms of his country and would have a dim view on homosexuality. Woke Progs have become the new Evangelicals. Any disagreement with their dogma is catastrophized as Satanic. Horrible people.
  15. It takes you hours? It kills the senese of exploration when Metroidvanias put a neon "Go Here Next" sign on the map telling you where the next event trigger is. Boring.
  16. Framerate on the PC aside (I have no clue), the problem the PC crowd runs up against is that it's unethical to steal new releases from good companies. If you want to play it on the PC without being a dirtbag, you'd have to buy a Switch copy.
  17. And that it doesn't highlight where your objectives are. Time to order it.
  18. I know I'm spoiling the fun a bit but that would mean Capcom sold 15.3m digital copies in 2019, where I assume were mostly PC. As long as Capcom keeps releasing physical copies for the consoles, I just look at it as more money for the Church of Capcom.
  19. It's too bad you wasted your Covid handout bucks on stuff you don't use to try and impress people here otherwise you could afford to buy a few and do more dirtbag scalping.
  20. Our culture is trash on almost every level these days so it's no surprise a dumbed-down DMC starring Angry Poochie won GOAT.
  21. Gentlemen, with all due respect I think you're on crack. It looks like a knock-off Rare game from the 360 days.
  22. I don't get the appeal of the rogue genre. Die-and-start-from-the-beginning is one of the worst ways to pad a game's length. People complain about not having checkpoints before bosses but rogues make that look civilized.
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