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Everything posted by 54212

  1. Steam Deck's controls are worse. If you're using the d-pad or face buttons, you have to hold your thumbs nearly parallel to your palms.
  2. Aside from any other issues, it's just too big and heavy for a handheld.
  3. If I didn't know the context I'd just assume it's a fat guy with indigestion.
  4. 82 at Metacritic -- only a few points less than that overpriced PS5 Megan Rapinoe rogue trash.
  5. LOL and you sidekick is Scrappy Doo. I still really like it.
  6. I rate games by how hard they are to play on the toilet.
  7. Now you need a table and you still can't get comfortable. Why are we giving this thing a four or a five star rating as a portable? Let's be fair.
  8. You have to hook it up to a TV to even play it on the couch. It's a lousy portable. And I've played through only four or five games in the past two years. You're way more of a nerd.
  9. Looks worse on the PC and playing on a laptop while lying on the couch or bed or poolside is laughs. Your notebook is the worst of both worlds. It doesn't have the graphics of a desktop and it doesn't have the portability of handheld.
  10. Remi stuck playing the ugly version while chained to his desk.
  11. I put four hours into the Japanese MHS2 demo, bought the US release yesterday, and quickly found out you can't transfer saves between the two. Otherwise the game's pretty much the same as the first one.
  12. Looks like it's gonna be $349.99
  13. I would say he was/is deeply mentally ill and the owner of Kiwifarms is a godawful person. To even consider taking the money, to even consider using him as slave labor, to not simply delete the thread as an act of mercy.
  14. If you want to go down the rabbit hole here's the Kiwifarms' thread: https://archive.vn/MfUhq Here's where Near posts in the Kiwifarms thread about him (starts third post): https://archive.vn/FYKSA Here's Near's Twitter: https://archive.vn/Zbjys#selection-6451.27-6451.39
  15. For some reason I went down the rabbit hole and here's a recap if anyone's interested. For reference, Kiwifarms is a rightwing message board where they post about the misadventures of "lulcows" in and around the gaming community like Chris-Chan, Wu, and Movie Bob. - Someone on Kiwifarms started a thread about Near in 2018. It's pretty mild by Kiwifarms standards and only had 250 posts before yesterday. - It hasn't been confirmed that he's dead. - He was deeply mentally ill. - He was against "SWJ identity politics in software develop
  16. ...! What's Rockstar North been doing all this time?
  17. I followed McAfee on Twitter for a long time and I tend to think it was suicide. McAfee was a big shit-talker, he was 75, and he was facing everything from tax evasion to money laundering to pump-and-dump charges. I'm curious to see what his wife finally says. Colorful as hell. The world's a bit less interesting with him gone.
  18. No worries. I just changed my account local to Japan and I'm dling it right now.
  19. It's only up on the Aussie and Japan eShops...
  20. The horseshoe bats that the Wuhan IoV was studying (and doing gain-of-function research on) come from caves a 1000 miles away near Nanning, you idiot. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-chinas-bat-woman-hunted-down-viruses-from-sars-to-the-new-coronavirus1/
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