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Everything posted by 54212

  1. You just tried to change the subject to a racist rant against whites and Logan Paul of all bizarre things. You're too much of a chickenshit to answer Cooke's question.
  2. Jerry's so proud that was finally able to get rid of his potato PC and buy a real one with the government Covid handouts he got.
  3. Now you're back to talking to your imaginary friends cuz you're too much of a pussy to talk to me.
  4. LOL @ the woketard lingo. Jerry in another six months:
  5. You just got beaten so badly you want to change the subject to a Logan Paul of all things.
  6. You're so rattled you went straight for the racist insults and showed your true colors again. Why don't you ever get any better at this game?
  7. You're already back to talking to your imaginary friends for moral support.
  8. Don't get mad at me because your tribe is a bunch of pussies. I'm helping them get over their neurosis.
  9. On a side note, California finally opened up yesterday and it was like a scene out of the Twilight Zone. When I went to Safeway I was the only one not wearing a mask and everyone was giving me tense nervous looks. Last night I ordered a Reagan/Bush '84 t-shirt so I can wear it to Whole Foods without a mask. People are strongly advising me not to do this. I gotta.
  10. Capcom's '21 lineup is one of their most prolific in ages with RE8, MH Rise and Stories 2, GnG Res, and AA but it's comp!etely front-loaded. I didn't bother watching the show. Pragmata's too early to show again.
  11. Jer, you've become such a psycho that you turned against GD -- whose been defending you against get kicked out -- and immediately called him a liar when he simply confirmed Remij has a other console account. We've almost completely broken you. By the end of the year you'll go on a mass shooting.
  12. It's just Souls with a horse?
  13. I played a few hours of Snow Runner. It's too much work for me but I get why people like it. But what hit me right away is that I'd love Resident Evil: Snow Runner. Take Snow Runner, speed up the driving, and then when you get out of your truck it's an open-world Resident Evil TPS. Basically just glue Snow Runner and RE4 together. That would be a lot of fun.
  14. I'm screwing around but mad credit to Logan for going the distance. That was fun.
  15. LOL Floyd couldn't even knock out a YouTuber. In a street fight Logan would've murdered him. TBE LOL White boy summer starts now.
  16. You're not getting it for a year, all games are timed exclusives if you want to brag about emulators, and moving the goalposts to only include Nintendo developed games is an admission of defeat. Which forever-exclusive MS developed games is going to sell the best on the PC this year? Hermits = Scavengers of the gaming kingdom. They eat the rotting corpses that everyone else has left behind. Remji, you come from an undignified people.
  17. MH Rise's already at 7m and that just came out, Jer.
  18. As someone who shops a lot at JCrew, I can assure you that color is called Dusty Barn.
  19. The collectors market's on fire right now. Prices for many Switch games are already through the roof because of small/short print runs. I think digital is actually helping increase the value of physical copies because there's fewer physical copies then there would be if digital didn't exist. A lot of collectors want physical.
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