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Everything posted by 54212

  1. If I wanted to make fun of you I'd probably start with that 1970s serial killer hovel you live in with your parents. Meanwhile, where's the thread?
  2. You can't even find the thread?
  3. Show me where the thread is and I'll show you exactly where it said it had to be the title.
  4. The bet was you would prove you owned the car by posting its title. You never posted the title therefore you lost the bet. It's that simple. Enjoy your new screen name.
  5. The terms of the bet explicitly stated you had to show the title. You lost the bet on a technicality, doxed yourself in the process, and now you're going to be stuck with Jobless Loser as your screen name for a year. Existence must truly hate you.
  6. The terms required you to post the title, not the registration. You never did. You lost the bet. Mods please change Jerry's name to Jobless Loser.
  7. The terms were the terms. That you lost on a technicality only makes it funnier. If Jon goes, you go. Happy new year.
  8. The terms are the terms and they were clearly stated: Show the title. You didn't. You lost. If Jon goes, so do you.
  9. Mods, if you ban Jon, please also perm Jerry for losing our perm bet last summer. The terms of our bet clearly stated he had to show the title to his car--not the registration--and he failed to do so. Happy new year, Jer. 🎉
  10. Merry Christmas, gentlemen. I've gotten each of you a Christmas upvote. 🎅
  11. ARMs, an under-performing 2017 launch game, is still $60. Compare that to Sony or MS first-party pricing over time. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/arms-nintendo-switch/5721505.p?skuId=5721505 The one upside is that Ninty physical copies hold and increase their value better. I bought the Yomawari collection on the Switch and it's already up over $150 for an open copy on eBay. Insane.
  12. "Nintendo pricing" is right in the title, Corky.
  13. Az is talking about the Nintendo tax, simp.
  14. Dragon Quest Builders 2: Launched on the same day for the PS4 and Switch. Currently $50 on the Switch and $20 on the PS4. https://www.target.com/s?searchTerm=dragon+quest+builder+2 Keep going with the fake laughter though.
  15. How much Kool-Aid does it take to deny the Nintendo tax? That has to at least be vat-sized. DQ11S launched at $60 on the Switch and $40 on the PS4. The Switch version is currently $50 and the PS4 version is currently still $40. And while DQ11 did launch at $60 on the PS4, by the time DQIIS launched on the Switch two years later, it was down to $30 or less. And the word is spelled misinformation, you doofus.
  16. They need to have The Journey in GTA VI. If it can be considered a character, it's my favorite one in video games.
  17. Ghosts 'n Goblins is back! Hell yes! Finally! Just getting caught up on the announcements.
  18. I burned out on fiction a long time ago. Now I fast-forward through movies looking for the good scenes. Watching a movie straight through with other people is torture.
  19. That's interesting. I hope you're over the peak. Get well, sir.
  20. If anyone's in the mood to go on the wild goose chase, it looks like it's widely in-stock at local Walmarts. https://brickseek.com/walmart-inventory-checker?sku=363472942 A lot of the my local Walmarts are showing 6+ in stock right now.
  21. Man you guys. How are you feeling?
  22. I almost feel sorry for Jerry. Even Goobs and Nitric have bailed on him.
  23. I'm pretty sure that thing on the right is his mom's just like the sculpture on the table. That's a middle-age lady sculpture.
  24. No you're not. You're going to scalp it while the secondary market is still hot, and then buy another one or something else when it cools down. That's why you're not building it yet.
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