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Everything posted by 54212

  1. Verbatim: Me: "I'll take my chances with the Catholics on this one." You: "That's a large mistake when looking at all peer reviewed studies on AGW." Me: "The Pope supports the Paris Climate Accord, you religious racist." You: "When I say cult I'm talking about the Trump GOP, not Catholics." You realize you're a silly person, right? My team wants to solve global warming mainly using Gen 3 & 4 reactors. Your cult is blocking it and instead--in the true spirit of religious dogma--wants to go with the economic armageddon of the Green New Deal.
  2. I clicked on a Jerry post to see if he's being as retarded as ever. Yup. Not clicking on that shit again. 😂 "There is no indication that the I.R.S. has questioned Mr. Trump’s practice of deducting millions of dollars in consulting fees. "
  3. Hey thanks NYT for stealing Trump's tax returns and showing: 1. He didn't cheat on his taxes 2. No Russia conspiracy "Nor do they reveal any previously unreported connections to Russia." 3. Nothing on Stormy "The data contains no new revelations about the $130,000 payment to Stephanie Clifford, the actress who performs as Stormy Daniels" 4. He blew his money on golf courses and then wrote off the loses "When “The Apprentice” premiered, Mr. Trump had opened only two golf courses and was renovating two
  4. Ginsburg was a selfish bitch for not stepping down when Obama was president. She put her own fun above protecting the seat. Fuck the Jews. Discuss.
  5. Jerry's so rattled he's triple posting even though he knows I have his failure-to-launch ass blocked. 😂
  6. The Pope supports the Paris Climate Accord, you religious racist. https://nypost.com/2020/09/01/pope-urges-respect-for-paris-climate-accord-says-creation-is-groaning/ And you've linked to an abstract for a pilot study. Link me to the full paper. Are you sure you want to do this?
  7. Dude your cult is blocking Gen 3 & 4 nuke reactors in favor of giant bird-murder fans. Meanwhile here in the Bay Area where your cult has a stranglehold on power, the temp is about to hit 100 today and they're warning us that that theyre going to do rolling blackouts yet again. I'll take my chances with the Catholics on this one.
  8. Not me. I don't want to babysit the loons. I feel guilty that we aren't paying GD and Sauce to do it.
  9. The claim's already been retracted. "Correction: This article’s headline originally stated that People of Praise inspired ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’. The book’s author, Margaret Atwood, has never specifically mentioned the group as being the inspiration for her work. A New Yorker profile of the author from 2017 mentions a newspaper clipping as part of her research for the book of a different charismatic Catholic group, People of Hope. Newsweek regrets the error." The press is doing a bang-up job as usual.
  10. Cocaine Mitch warned you guys not to change the rules in '13. He warned you that you'd regret it. You have no one to blame but yourselves.
  11. Like the Dems when they started it by blocking Bork and Estrada on ideological grounds and then changed the Senate filibuster rules to confirm lower court nominations with a straight majority so they could swamp them with activist judges? Like how Biden flip-flopped twice on election year nominations, first saying they shouldn't be allowed in '92 in order to try and block a Bush nomination, then flip-flopped in '12 with Garland, and now he's flip-flopped again? You guys are going to need to work on the crocodile tears more.
  12. Romney's in. Get's the last laugh on the Dems for smearing him as a woman-hating, dog-abusing, venture capital vampire. 😂
  13. This is the best thing in a long time.
  14. Activist judges are anti-American. They're violating the Constitution's separation of powers by seizing legislative power. You want to change the law? Do it properly through the legislature. RBG was a terrible judge.
  15. It was the beer part that was over the line, not the part about accusing him of a being a serial rapist.
  16. The Dems calling for decency when they funded the Steele Dossier and used Russian agents to find and manufacture dirt on a Republican presidential nominee, and then had the audacity to launch the phony Russia conspiracy hoax and use it to impeach a sitting president. 😂
  17. By that logic the Dems are now trying to steal the RBG seat. And worse because the Republicans control both the White House and Senate unlike the Dems in 2015 who didn't control either the Senate or even the House. Thieves by your own standards.
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