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Everything posted by 54212

  1. I made it two minutes in. This person has no idea what fascism is. Mussolini and Gentile were opposed to biological racism and only allowed Italian racial laws to be passed in order to appease Hitler. Source: I studied fascism under AJ Gregor at Cal: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A._James_Gregor
  2. I made it one minute in before my eyeballs rolled out of their sockets. 0:50 If you disapprove of the actions of a foreign state, you've moved from patriotism to nationalism, and further, doing so often leads to hatred and the raise of fascism. If you disagreed with Germany invading Poland in 1939, you're a nationalist and likely a fascist. If you disagree with the CCP putting Uygurs in concentration camps, you're a nationalist and likely a fascist. And these socialist morons don't even believe in cultural relativism themselves. It's a motte and bailey stra
  3. Meanwhile in the Really Real World: Your side's cult. I think I'd rather be stuck with the Bubbas.
  4. Who wants to tell Nitric about Biden's law school performance and why he had to drop out of the the 1988 presidential race.
  5. You're making big advances. Nitric deserves to burn in Hell for a few days.
  6. Punani Dasani? It's one step up from bragging that your pussy tastes like Mountain Dew Gamer Fuel.
  7. It's kind of cool but my lungs feel like I smoked a pack of cloves because I had my windows open all night and fans going.
  8. Front yard, 9am. I turned the flash off so it looks like it's lighter but it's actually getting even darker. So bizarre.
  9. It's half past 8am here and this is what it look likes in my backyard right now. It's so surreal.
  10. Biden helped spearhead the '94 crime bill and wanted the death penalty for drug dealers.
  11. Outside of Dianglo and Coates, you don't know who these ppl are do you?
  12. O really? "[Romney's] gonna put ya'll back in chains!" "If you have a problem figurinig out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." And notice the way he condescendingly changes his speaking style to try to sound more stereotypically black. Suddenly he goes into cartoon black preacher mode and it's "ya'll" and "ain't". Remember this study that shows white libs dumb themselves down when speaking to black people, but white centrists and right wingers don't? Biden does the same shit.
  13. My take having read this garbage for years: Generic CRT: Majority identities are evil, and if they are capable of redemption, it's going to take massive wealth/power redistribution to make things fair, and an authoritarian government run by minorities to make sure people in the majority stay in line. Derrick Bell, the founder of CRT, and Tenishi Coates, the poet laureate of CRT: Cynical fatalists. Whites are evil and the system can't be fixed. Ibram Kendi: Cyncial authoritarian. Whites are evil and we need an authoritarian government run by non-whites to kee
  14. We're going to need at least 50 years of Democrat rule before we can even make a dent.
  15. We're doing Credit Score Wars now? I only have one credit card that I never use and no debt.
  16. And De Blasio, a far leftist, has been mayor for almost 7 years.
  17. Is so why have you elected rotten Democratic leadship? Isn't the city council all Democrats except for a couple from Staton?
  18. CNN running Michael Cohen gossip is the Inception of Fake News. This was a skit done in 2012 for the RNC. It's been on YouTube forever.
  19. Jerry's mom bought him a 40 of Natural Ice and he's found his courage for the first time in weeks. "I'm not the incel! I'm not the incel!"
  20. If he had forfieted his right to self defense he would've been charged with murder for offing your pedophile comrade. He wasn't. Jerry trying to do law.
  21. He wasn't charged with murder for offing your pedophile comrade. You trying to do legal analysis is going about as well as you trying to do political analysis.
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