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Everything posted by 54212

  1. It's more crybully bullshit from the far left. Stop traffic (illegal), throw shit at the cars (illegal), then cry victim when people in the cars mace them for it. Reporters on the ground said Antifa was consistently the ones initiating shit that day, but low-info people like Jerry who only watch MSNBC and CNN lap up their bullshit spin and mindlessly repeat it.
  2. He wasn't charged with assault for pointing a gun at anyone, video and the eyewitness testimony of the reporter who administered first aid to Pedo Spaz show that Pedo Spaz initiated the confrontation and tried to attack Kyle, and even the politically-motivated charges against Kyle recognize that he didn't forfeit his right to self-defense as he was only charged with manslaughter for killing Pedo Spaz.
  3. Scummy false equivalency from a scumbag who defends political murder when it furthers his agenda. Kyle acted in self-defense in all three instances. Pedo Spaz charged him, chased him, threw a projectile at him, and tried to grab his gun. Wifebeater chased him and tried to hit him hard over the head with a skateboard. And Burglar Bro pointed a gun right at his face a split-second before Kyle fired at him. He also gave Burglar Bro a chance to retreat when Burglar Bro hesitated charging at him, and let the other Antifa dirtbag freely retreat when he stopped charging and ra
  4. Newly released CCTV footage shows the Antifa murderer walking in front of Danielson, he slips into an alcove, then ambushes him from behind. There was no knife found on Danielson either. He didn't kill Danielson in self-defense, there was no confrontation before the murder, he executed him. Goobs and Jerry defending this murderer shows just how vile they really are. Mods, take this trash out.
  5. Plot twist: He was just killed by law enforcement while trying to arrest him. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/03/us/michael-reinoehl-arrest-portland-shooting.html
  6. Forget Metal, we now present Halloween.
  7. Drunk and stoned 1980s Jon Anderson is one of the greatest dancers of all time.
  8. Hot take: Galaxy 2 is the only good one out of the four.
  9. Disappointing that the Game & Watch is only Super Mario 1 & 2. Hope it's hackable.
  10. 1st: Chris Wallace (Fox) VP: Susan Page (USA Today) 2nd: Steve Scully (C-Span) 3rd: Kristen Welker (NBC News) Surprised Trump agreed to Chris Wallace after their falling out. LOL at CNN and MSNBC getting boxed out.
  11. The dude at the end yelling "This man took his vehicle and tried to blast it through a peaceful protest and tried to kill us! That's exactly what happened! You wanna talk about inciting a riot? That's inciting! That's called domestic terrorism! That's a domestic terrorist!" Or this dude.
  12. And let's take a look at what these fine Antifa people look like. ^ It identifies as a woman I can understand why Jerry supports Antifa. He's finally found a group he fits in with.
  13. Here are Antifa rejects throwing projectiles at vehicles on the freeway trying to cause major injuries. Notice the Baby Huey looking tard. Here they are trying to block the vehicles. Here they are throwing projetiles at the vehicles as they drive through city streets. And here they are celebrating after murdering a conservative.
  14. No he wasn't. You idiots misidentified the victim. And eyewitness reporters were almost unanimous in saying Antifa were instigating the fights. And you just admitted you knew about the murder and were trying to cover it up.
  15. Antifa just executed a Trump supporter in a gangland style murder over the weekend in Portland, then cheered about it, and you're trying to pretend it didn't happen? Better quality version: "We've got a couple right here." https://streamable.com/8706z4 His sister said the only time he ever shows up at their mom's house is to demand money. Truly one of your own.
  16. This is your attempt at saving face? If you commit both felonies and misdemeanors, law enforcement will only charge you with the felonies? Hey Corky, they charged him with misdemeanor possession of a dangerous weapon by a minor.
  17. For the thousandth time: Christ you suck at this, Jerry. We know have the police's criminal complaint, a detailed interview with the reporter who was an eyewitness to the first shooting, and a statement from the law firm representing Kyle. They all agree on the basic facts. - The only gun charge filed against Kyle is a misdemeanor charge for being a minor in possession of a firearm. He wasn't charged with stealing the gun, being in possession of a stolen gun, or transporting his gun across state lines. The gun never left Wisconsin. As I said, he likely borrowed it fro
  18. I swear his terrible covid response is what's going to sink him. The FDA just gave emergency approval for a US covid test from Abbott pharma that costs $5, takes 15 minutes to get a result, requires no lab equipment, and is basically like doing a home pregnancy test. Laud that. Throw tons of money at that. Make it over-the-counter. Trump you drive me crazy.
  19. ^ And that's from WaPo who put a ton of resources into creating the database.
  20. I think it's time to finally do a BLM thread in the next few days. The progs' two favorite propaganda tools right now are selection bias and harm exaggeration.
  21. When violent rioters chase you and attempt to hit you with projectiles even though they know you're armed with a rifle, it's entirely reasonable to believe they mean to cause you bodily harm, and you absolutely have the moral right to defend yourself using lethal force, and I'd be shocked if the law doesn't agree. We've seen repeatedly what happens when you surrender to the communists rioters. Wake up.
  22. Goobs and Dili defending communist pedophiles and women beaters who were trying to attack a patriotic kid defending private property from their violent rioting. Great look, lads.
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