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Everything posted by 54212

  1. Meet the Antifa felons who tried to attack Sharpshooter Kyle Redshirt: Convictd pedophile He was the spastic manlet who was chasing Kyle, threw a projectile at him, and got dropped instantly with a headshot when he got within inches of him. He's also the one who was yelling, "Shoot me n-gga" at Kyle and his fellow patriots, and then tried to ram a flaming dumpster into a gas station. Skatboard Dude: Felony domestic abuse including attempted strangulation He was the one who attempted to bash Kyle over the head with his ska
  2. I've got Goobs too afraid to even take a position, Jerry going through his 4-Step Sperg Guide to Saving Face, and Remy calling me the Devil's Advocate again. I'd say that's a productive SystemWars outing.
  3. Your argument is that he was being sarcastic about the shooting spree part after calling him a psycho MAGA incel? Airball.
  4. Step 4: Randomly claim victory and then spam smilies and punctuation marks. Like OMG Jerry! They TOTALLY FAVORITED the CRAZED SHOOTING SPREE theory!!!!! HELLO!!!!! OMG you're so DEMOLISHED!!!!
  5. Don't be a wuss. Take a position. Jerry's tortured legal argument, Dili's crazed Nazi argument, my jury's out argument, or go off the board and pick your own?
  6. I didn't say you guys favorited MAGA incel posts, I said you favorited the shooting spree post, which you admit you did and then cited it in full. I took that to mean you were arguing Dili didn't say the MAGA incel stuff. "Dili called him a MAGA cunt and incel trash who went on "a shooting spree." Remy and Goobs favorited the shooting spree post. Does that count?" Shot block x2
  7. And you mocked that so what was his motive then? Crazed Nazi? What? Don't back off it now.
  8. Quotes: "Guy is a fucking psycho and used this as an excuse to use his rifle that he jacks off to." "Nice to leave out the fact it was some MAGA cunt who showed up with his rifle pretending to be Rambo and shot and killed protestors. Gotta love how mass-shooter training for these incel trash is now being used as bullet points without context to somehow blame protestors for killings." Page 9
  9. At least you have enough self-awareness to distance yourself from your teammates when they go loony. So give us your take. Why did he commit murder? Or are you unsure that he did because the facts aren't clear yet? Cuz if you're unsure, welcome to the side of rationalism. You'll like it here. We have an open bar. But we still need sources for your claims that he stole the rifle and carried it across state lines. The only law we know he broke so far was open carrying as a minor.
  10. What evidence is there that he instigated the altercation with redshirt guy? We have video of redshirt guy chasing after him and throwing something at him, which some people claim was a molotov, but I think it was something else.
  11. Then why are minors allowed to practice shooting guns at ranges, genius? Again, source for who he stole it from. And now, source that he carried a gun across state lines. Show em.
  12. Let's ask Goobs. Goobs, are you running with Jerry's retarded argument that by being a 17-old minor who's open-carrying when you're supposed to be 18 or older, that proves malicious intent on his part, and therefore regardless of what happened, he forfeited his right to self-defense? Or are you going with cold-blooded Nazi? I mean those are two fabulous choices.
  13. Pick: 1. He stole the gun from his parents. 2. His parents gave him the gun and permission to take it to Konosha last night. And while we're at it, give me a source that he crossed state lines. He lives 30 minutes outside of Konosha from what I've read.
  14. Gee I don't know. Dili called him a MAGA cunt and incel trash who went on "a shooting spree." Remy and Goobs favorited the shooting spree post. Does that count?
  15. He could've borrowed it or his parents could've bought it for him. Goobs made the claim he stole it. Source?
  16. Jerry reeling so hard from being demolished that he's now done back-to-back double posts.
  17. So now they attacked him because they knew he was a minor open-carrying when he wasn't supposed to? Somehow you've managed to outdo Jerry. Antifa Sperg Force ho! And can you cite a source that he stole the rifle? That's new to me.
  18. It's funny how the Antifa Sperg Force went from caricaturing the kid as a Nazi out hunting peaceful protesters to making tortured legal arguments on why he forfeited his right to self-defense because he was minor open carrying when he shouldn't have been. Oh how the bar fell.
  19. And now you're down to Step 3: I know you are but what am I? Jerry, you must get the last word in. Everyone will think you're x10 even more of a loser if you don't. Spam, Jerry, spam as if your life depends on it!
  20. You're down to "nah-ah" and dumb straw men. You're already out of gas. Go clean your room.
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