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Everything posted by 54212

  1. Omitting your retarded argument that a minor illegally in possession of a firearm proves malicious intent and thereby he forfeits his right to self-defense. Welcome aboard the sperg-go-round.
  2. Oh I don't know maybe the countless hours of video showing Kenosha getting torched by violent rioters?
  3. You can't try to kill someone for walking on your lawn. https://reason.com/2020/06/02/are-people-allowed-to-use-deadly-force-to-defend-property/
  4. He was protecting the car lot and he wasn't from out-of-state. How does that show malicious intent?
  5. If I walk across someone's yard and thereby trespass, and they shot at me, I've forfeited my right to self-defense? You're a retard.
  6. You keep dodging the question because you know your argument is retarded: Why is it malicious to protect private property from law-breaking rioters?
  7. I tried to skip the moronic argument that wanting to protect property from law-breaking rioters shows malicious intent? You're in full retard mode today, aren't you?
  8. How is it malicious intent to want to protect property from law-breaking rioters? That's a rich one.
  9. Who's arguing that he should've been there, much less armed? Why did you take the Jerry misdirection bait?
  10. Who's arguing that it isn't? What does it have to do with whether it was self-defense, manslaughter, or murder?
  11. If the first shooting is ruled self-defense, I don't see how the other two won't be either. One tried to hit him over the head with a skateboard and the other was in the process of aiming a handgun at him when his bicep got blown off. Again: What started the first shooting? Why was the redshirt guy chasing the kid and trying to attack him?
  12. Here's the first shooting from another angle. The redshirt guy is chasing the kid and throws something at him. Some people are saying it's a molotov but I don't think so. The question: Why was the redshirt guy trying to attack the kid?
  13. I want to know what happened during the first shooting. If you watch this in full-screen, you can make things out a bit: It sounds like two different guns. One has a duller sound than the other? I think the kid's gun has the duller sound? It looks like the kid is being chased by the guy with the red shirt around his neck (he's the first one the kid kills). The first gunshot goes off (it sounds like the other gun). The guy closes in on the kid, the kid turns around, a volley of shots goes off (it sounds like the duller gun one shot from the other
  14. He's just been charged with first-degree murder and he's fled across state lines? Are there any clear details about what happened during the first shooting? I can't find much.
  15. Apologies. Just woke up in one of those dumb moods.
  16. No one took that weird little Swedish girl seriously either. This kid is the next Pompeo.
  17. But she swings both ways -- Gavin to Don Jr. Or she just realy likes the Gordon Gecko look. She's fun.
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