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Everything posted by 54212

  1. Goobs kept asking GameDrunk to tell him what HolyAx's YouTube account is so he could post what HolyAx was saying on here and torpedo his career and Jerry was egging him on saying Holyx deseved to be cancelled. Be careful who you fuck with.
  2. Because we can't read the thread title where you called her a banana republic Puerto Rican, you loser racist.
  3. You posted the wrong documentation and doxed yourself in the process. It was comically inept.
  4. You'd be calling her a Nazi/Hitler if she wasn't Pueto Rican. Instead you use racist steroetypes to say she's not even competent enough to be a Nazi; she's just a banana rebuplic Puerto Rican. Meanwhile she's famous, good looking, and has a lot of social clout, and you're a loser Mexican who can''t even win a rando Reddit argument.
  5. You lost the bet, doxed yourself, and verified that you're a midd!e aged incel who still lives in his parents little house and shares a bedroom with your brother. You're a giant embarressment to the SystemWars gentlemens club.
  6. Jerry trying to dox and ruin Holyax's career for baiting on here is cool though. And oh man Saucer's running psy-ops trying to get us banned. Can we ban bim? I'm a pussy and he should 't be allowed in our hugbox.
  7. Emotional Puerto Rican talking politics = Banana republic But AOC doing it is just we!l-intentioned passion? Is that the hill you want to fight on?
  8. Jerry going straight to the racial slurs against the Puerto Rican woman cuz he doesn't like her politics and then tries to body shame her even though he's an incel. You'll never see him do this against AOC even though she's famous for waving her arms and yelling like Hitler.
  9. This one was posted by IGN so it should stay up: I rarely watch superhero movies but I'll watch this one.
  10. We're also in the middle of a record-breaking heatwave with the temp going above 100 degrees everyday for the past week. Most nights it was still above 80 at midnight. And the state's run by monkeys so we have we have a banana republic power grid that can't handle the load on hot days so we have random rolling blackouts during the hottest part of the day. It's been fun.
  11. They're appointing originalist fed judges at a blistering pace. It's like watching God being born, Ike.
  12. We're talking about the second Covid bill, not the first one. You know the one you brought up? And since you immediately came out of the gates with a retard question, you first have to prove that you've taken mercy on your sainted mum and finally cleaned your room before I reply to you again.
  13. He's not. He's basically a civil lib on social issues and mid-left on econ issues. You're doing what most progs are doing with the Overton Window right now: Try to shrink it and move it left to make your team the new center.
  14. They gave us Mitch. Few states have ever contributed more.
  15. Hitler breaking the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact before shoring up Western Europe. We were so fucking close to having a Mars base by now.
  16. Cocaine Mitch doing God's work by not bailing out the Blue States, blocking the reinstatement of SALT, refusing to give stimulus checks to illegal aliens, and cutting back unemployment to $400.
  17. Unrelated nonsense to what? If the issue is trivial why are you posting a lot about it and getting annoyed?
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