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Everything posted by 54212

  1. If it's as meaningless as arguing over which flavor of Jello's the best (none, stop eating bones), why do you have twice as many posts in this thread as I do, and why do yours often sound annoyed? You're making a mistake running interference for this ideology. Time will tell who's right. I like my odds.
  2. But I agree caring about Antifa is frivulous. I mean who cares about shit like this?
  3. Well we hope one day to have it as good as black men who only care about people who care about gender pronouns -- and how well the Xbox is doing of course.
  4. If people knew what's coming...
  5. Prince's most underrated song. Better if you keep the rainy plane video on.
  6. Been up since 3am, been drinking since 5am. If you put both of these on at the same time, this covid thing isn't entirely bad. Where's Low?
  7. Every time someone replies to this tread and bumps it up is a victory for truth and fun.
  8. That Cooke isn't being fed a junk food diet of far-right news, but he's also going a bit too far into the weeds of ID politics.
  9. You're in Whipit chemtails territory. The Great Food Mascot Cancelation was all over the news a month ago. Eskimo Pies, Land O Lakes, Uncle Ben's, and the most vile product mascot of all, Trader Jose.
  10. Are you at least going to tell him what his sins are before excommunicating him?
  11. Bolsonaro. After catching civid he still said masks are for "homos." Verhoeven has to make a Trump/Bolsonara film before he dies.
  12. I told you it would be Kam-Kam. I told you it would be Biden. I told you the center would have an easy time knocking Sanders for being a commie because the older gens lived through the Cold War. I told you Warren was Jan Brady grown up and had no chance. I told you Russiangate was a dud. I told you Medicaid 4 All wouldn't happen. I'm not sure if it was on this board but I even said when Trump finally wore a mask in public, it'd be navy to match his suit and have the presidential seal on the side. Next easy pre
  13. Yeah it's random and trivial to point out that the black community at large doesn't want to police defunded, it's communist LARPers driving the defunding, it just cost Seattle its first black woman police chief, and you still keep running cover for the LARPers. And hey this tactic hasn't gotten old, right? Did it ever cross your mind that maybe you are absurd?
  14. And the studies showing younger kids carry much bigger viral loads, and around 200,000 new cases among kids during the last two weeks of July alone. Opening schools like this is a bad bet.
  15. Congratulation white activists, you've driven a black woman from her job.
  16. The tweets are comparing the 1.0.1 build to the 1.0.3 build, not the 1.0.2 build.
  17. I ignored it because of the title too lol. And yeah definite Rule of Rose vibe.
  18. It doesn't look like this patch improved the framerate over the last one. I'm going to wait some more and see.
  19. Oh no I've been sucked into a sales argument. What's your point? That their traditional console market is dead? If so, I agree. Is that the only point you're making? If so I have no idea what you were arguing in that thread on Saturday. Why is the Switch not a success? Because it's not a traditional console? So what? Nintendo's having its second best gen in terms of hardware sales.
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