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Everything posted by 54212

  1. What is this terrible spin? The Switch is selling faster than the PS4, it'll outsell the combined sales of the 3DS & Wii U by the end of the year, and it'll outsell the GBA + GC sometime next year. The only pair it won't outsell is the DS + Wii, but no one's going to beat that number for a long time.
  2. We know: As long as it's your side who gets to control the size and placement of the window, this shit rules. At least you're starting to hide it less.
  3. Man, having an authoritarian Overton Window sure feels enlightened. Do we really want to live like this?
  4. Nothing to See Here Jerry Nadler calls it a "myth" that Antifa is rioting in Portland Restorative Justice BLM protesters in Louisville threaten and vandalize businesses that refuse to meet their demands Woke as Fuck Give me that old time religion: Polygon calls for video games to return to "black and white [progressive] morality" Cancelled Lincoln Project's video editor fired for using "twat" and "cunt" as insults (you're on notice, Brits) Cancelled The Land 'O Lakes squaw
  5. Cancelled George R.R. Martin branded a racist for mispronouncing author names at the Hugo Awards and praising John W. Campbell Cancelled Pitt medical professor fired from program director position for criticizing affirmative action in medicine (a strong majority of the public agrees with him including black and Latino Americans) Struggle Session Actress Maddie Ziegler apologizes for making fun of Asian people look when she was 9-years-old Cancelled Kindergarten Cop pulled from Portland drive-in for promoting "school-to-pri
  6. Woke as Fuck Teen Vogue calls for capitalism to be abolished Restorative Justice Portland rioters throw paint on elderly woman trying to protect building Cancelled AOC calls for removal of Saint Damien statue from US capitol building because he was a colonizer; he spend his life caring for lepers and died from the disease Cancelled Muslim immigrant's business empire collapsing over racist posts made by his daughter when she was 14 Cancelled Proper grammar
  7. Round 2! Cancelled SF Museum of Modern Art's chief curator forced to resign after saying he would continue to collect white artists Cancelled Biology professor cancelled for retweeting an article citing the sudden rise in gender disphoria Cancelled American eagle now considered a Nazi symbol Self-Cancellation and Struggle Session: YA author pulls book after being criticized for being a white person writing about the Gullah (a Southern black culture)
  8. I'm not disagreeing that Trump is shit, and I hope to God that Biden suddenly becomes wise.
  9. Enfranchisement means having the right to vote. What the fuck are you even talking about? No shit.
  10. You constantly criticize the right but excuse the far left. You're not willing to reign in your own side. Instead you provide cover for them. Anyone who's around academic, arts, or politics circles runs into the whole political crop. And I grew up in the Berkeley punk scene so this "I know trans people" brag is pretty lame. Again, if someone requested you use corny sci-fi pronouns, would you now use them now? Have you caved? I'm comparing the power of the MAGA crowd to the power of the Woke crowd while you try to downplay the Woke crowd as just some harmless college k
  11. See? You refuse to police your own side. Trump is Hitler but the Woke are just harmless college kids. Serious question: Didn't you say before that you drew the line at using corny sci-fi pronouns like xe and xer? With the Woke gaining more clout by the day, have you caved in that one?
  12. If it began and ended with vanity pronouns, I'd write it off as another silly fad, and if they're feelings get hurt, I'd apologize to them for not liking their new Pet Rock. The problem is that behind the annoying attention-seeking is the Woke cult's attempt to police language and turn Wokism into a global monoculture. If MAGA is stage two cancer, Wokism is stage 4. Imagine MAGA but with dominate control of our soft power institutions. That's what's likely coming if the Dems run the table in November because the left does as bad of a job of policing their wingnuts as the right the
  13. While usually acting self-righteous about it. What's the cost of playing along with attention-seeking moral phonies? Your dignity. But if you want to humor them to fit in, I'm the last person to try and stop you.
  14. I'm glad the progs were right and the communist LARPers have stopped rioting now that the feds have left.
  15. Gender and sex were synonyms until a group of feminist social scientists decided to arbitrarily redefine gender, so I'm not sure what conspiracy theories have to do with the issue. Not even a little. 1. It's moronic attention seeking. 2. Using they/them as singular pronouns is often confusing. 3. Xe/Xem sounds like bad L. Ron Hubbard writing. 4. If it becomes a big fad, trying to remember everyone's vanity pronouns is going to become ridiculous. But most of all Laurie Penny is now doing it so I feel a cosmic need to immediately make fun
  16. Finished The Origami King I don't have much new to add but I really liked it. + Fun dialogue. + Fun level themes. + Fun exploration--by far the game's biggest strength. + The plot has a little bit of darkness to it, which contrasts well with Paper Mario's light-heartedness. - Mediocre combat system but there isn't a lot of it and encounters are generally spaced out well. - Bosses are just office supply products with off-the-rack personalities (mafioso, snooty artist, etc.)--because Shiggie evidently doesn't want the dev team to create new Mushroom K
  17. You called for HolyAx to be doxed and lose his career for trolling on here. You and your dumb gaslighting can fuck straight off. You do it with everyone who disagrees with you. Even HotSauce has said he's never had a normal conversation with you. The exact opposite. You're so insecure about your failed life that you compensate for it by trying to win every dumb argument using little kid tactics like getting the last word in no matter what. Go clean your room, Jerry. You're brother's sick of having to live in a messy room with you.
  18. The only people who need to get the last word in are stupid people who can't act like adults? You have no self-awareness, do you? You're so pathologically insecure that you're incapable of having a normal conversation much less debating in good faith. I'd be very surprised if you don't have a b-cluster personality disorder. I've literally tested to see how long you'll respond to complete garbage posts just to get the last word in. Remember that one night I kept you up all night until you could barely stay awake but still kept replying? Just look at your real
  19. Daily post limit. What we've been telling ya'll for ages.
  20. It's been in stock pretty frequently the past two weeks. If anyone wants it sooner and they're on Twitter, follow @Wario64 or @videogamedeals https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Awario64 "ring fit" &src=typed_query&f=live
  21. That's incredible. Even Splatoon sold 10m? And none of their big sellers have even had a permanent pricecut yet. While being heavily supply constrained too.
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