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Everything posted by 54212

  1. Origami King is great. I've been avoiding every grunt fight I can so the combat system hasn't gotten stale at all. I just got to the part where Bobby saves Olivia from the bolder and that was a little dark lol. Thousand Year Door is my favorite Mario RPG, Super Paper Mario is my second favorite, and so far I'm liking this as much as Super Paper Mario. Really glad I caved and got it.
  2. This video only needs to be a five seconds long: They farmed out development of the sequels to a mediocre Western developer.
  3. I kept reading the writing's fun and the scenarios mix it up a lot and you can avoid a lot of grunt fights. More than anything I just want something cheery.
  4. If Ghostwire's biggest selling point is rumble, the game's in trouble.
  5. I've only played one game since last October so I figured what the hell and bought Origami King. Paper Mario's pretty much always playable if nothing else.
  6. I was really disappointed with the latest trailer. I thought it was going to be a unique horror game and instead it looks like second-rate Bioshock. Mikami needs to get back in the director's chair.
  7. Marlins suspend season. New p!ayoff format: Last team to pull out wins the Series. https://mobile.twitter.com/USATODAY/status/1288181655874818050
  8. If you're a pro athlete, why would risk this? You're already rich.
  9. Well that's a wrap on the season. How did they expect any other outcome?
  10. God speed, Reeg, we keep losing the fun ones.
  11. I'm from Farms but live in Gays & Vegans too.
  12. What's too bad is that pretty much everyone was cool with HolyAx before US politics went haywire, and now look at the posts in this thread. HolyAx, if you do decide to leave for good, all the best with your career.
  13. You're a racist and you're still here so I'm not seeing the no racism part. Not sure about what pedo comic HolyAx is accused of posting. What was it?
  14. Keep going, you'll turn this place into an echo chamber in no time.
  15. Alph placed restrictions on you but not Jerry? Out of all the iterations of SystemWars, this is the worst one.
  16. How obnoxious is it getting around in the overworld with that framerate?
  17. I have a copy arriving tomorrow and I'm going to send it back. I was hoping it could be patched but after watching that DF video it looks hopeless.
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