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Everything posted by 54212

  1. I think it's going to be pretty mediocre. What made TTYD good is its writing and level themes. One level you're in a wrestling contest and the next you're doing Murder on the Orient Express. In Origami King's trailers, the bosses are basic things like a turtle, a box of colored pencils, and a phoenix. And the level themes are basic things like sewers, snowy mountains, a mummy tomb, jungle, and a wild west town. I also think the graphics look low-budget but that's not a big deal.
  2. I honestly have no idea which XBox is which anymore. There's no logic to the naming scheme. It's just random numbers and letters. At least with the Wii and WiiU there were only two names.
  3. Oh hell yes I do. Name one time I've argued in bad faith. Go on. And if you want to pretend the Jerry-go-round isn't a rhetorical tactic to bore people to death so you can get the last word in and declare victory, have at it, but you look silly, especially after trashing him in the past for doing it.
  4. You use to talk shit about him like when he and Puerto would go around in circles forever. Are you really going to deny that? And arguing in bad faith to filibuster so you can bore people to death so you can get the last word in and declare victory is spammy as hell.
  5. You're confused about why spam is a problem? Before this board got political and you and Jerry wound up on the same political team, you thought Jerry's spamming was as retarded and annoying as everyone else. I mean you can pretend to play dumb but it's kind of silly.
  6. I don't care if the board lives or dies, but if you want to bring it back, maybe try this: Put a hold on race issues and give everyone a daily post limit of 10 or 15 for the politics board? That would take care of the spam wars along with the one topic that always sends things into an ugly death spiral.
  7. "The game is all over the place on trans representation. A lot of the tackier sides of Deadly Premonition left a really sour taste." It left the grotesque fatty confused and annoyed? Another selling point.
  8. That wide spread of scores. I just preordered.
  9. A life very well lived. His best work is some of the greatest ever. I still drive around listening to songs like The Trio and never get tired of it.
  10. Calvin Klein's new billboard in NYC: Tell me the Earth isn't an alien experiment and they haven't been cranking up the batshit dial.
  11. The new Pokemon is boring. It's too barebones. There's almost no story or set pieces. You're just running from gym to gym with almost no content in-between.
  12. I doubt any of these vitamins are going to prove much help. https://medium.com/the-method/should-you-take-a-vitamin-d-supplement-for-covid-19-63d922f24953
  13. TCL is partially owned by the ChiComs.
  14. Change their gender or change their sex on IDs? You shouldn't be able to change your sex on them because you can't change your sex. Gender I don't care about. Change it at will. The left is playing this game where they redefined gender as a social construct instead of a synonym for sex--which is a useful distinction--but now they're trying to redefine sex as a synonym for their new definition of gender. It's anti-science and idiotic. My guess is Hungary banned changing your sex on them, not your gender, because those type of docs almost never use the word gender, and CN
  15. Not a fan. They make you look like a notebook that's been scribbled on.
  16. I didn't repost it. Software glitch.
  17. You wore a Spawn bandana around your face to an S&M fashion show, and said the gayest line in history to Jon, "...I'll tug your leash when I get bored." Snap, snap, bitches. How can anyone take your opinion seriously?
  18. We have no idea if you were on a date with her or if she's just a friend. If it were one or two things, I wouldn't think much of it, but between the metrosexualism, showing off your kitchen wares, sucking in your cheeks and trying to look moody in photos like you're a Zoolander character, and the bitchy gay one-liners, the pattern sits there right out in the open.
  19. For God's sake just come out of the closet already. Cooke is gay. No one here cares.
  20. You wore a Spawn bandana around your face to an S&M fashion show, and said the gayest line of all time to Jon, "...I'll tug your leash when I get bored." Snap, snap, bitches. How can anyone take your opinion seriously?
  21. This is a shot in the dark, but I have both ankles fused and heel pain is extremely common afterwards so my surgeon strongly recommended that I get Superfeet insoles, and I've found they help. If you're interested, here's the site: https://www.superfeet.com/en-us/insole-finder/ Tons of places sell them so you may be able to find a deal on them.
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