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Everything posted by 54212

  1. The pets joke was great but I would've deleted it too. That's a joke you hand off to Jimbo a deny you wrote it. ,
  2. You think this is going to be over in another month or two? LOL
  3. Why are you resorting to emotional pleas and exaggerations? It's a waste of everyone's time. You're not taking this seriously. All the people the virus kills are innocent. We do know the general parameters of the virus. And if I'd be willing to crash the economy and cause millions of people to become destitute just to save myself and my family, I'd be a selfish asshole. You're ignoring the economic harm this is causing to millions of people. Under which conditions can be begin to open the economy back up? Do you want to shift the goalposts from preventing o
  4. The opposite. It feels more alien and claustrophobic by the day.
  5. That you aren't more self-sacrificing. It's more bullshit political posturing.
  6. Our best guest is the fatality rate is between 0.6 and 1.0, and it mainly kills the elderly and fatties. That's it. So protect the elderly. Have free grocery drop-off services and provide them with H2O2 to sanitize the groceries etc. (fuck the fatties--karma has come for). This isn't rocket science. Yet you still want to play Big Brother and force tens of millions of people into destitution because why? So it's a little less risky to shop at the grocery store for people who can shelter- in-place indefinitely without any big financial problems? Wear gloves and a mask you selfish asshole. (Said
  7. If you can work from home (or continue to sponge off your family like Jerry) nothing is stopping you from continuing you to work at home if you allow those who can't to go back to work, and on top of it they're the ones risking their necks to build herd immunity faster. Yet you still bitch. Wear a fucking mask and gloves to the grocery store and stop whining.
  8. Pretending not to understand it is probably your best choice given your choices.
  9. With the near global shelter in p!ace, releasing games right now is a goldmine. Look at Animal Crossing.
  10. I just watched the first four episodes. It's really great. It gave me a completely different view of Pippen. It's funny what I remember and what I don't. I remember small things like Rodman going off to Vegas but I forgot how Reinsdorf and Krause insisted on nuking the team.
  11. Sag, baby. Fire signs rule all.
  12. It would. Why would the physical copy become worthless? Only the digital copy would need to be authenticated.
  13. Physical and digital copies are paired. Physical copy authenticates the digital copy on a given console. If the physical copy is played on different console, the digital is deactivated and can only be reactivated if you have the paired physical copy to re-authenticate.
  14. I wish physical copies came with digital copies like a lot of Blu-ray movies do, but there's no way I'm going straight digital. Glorified rentals you can't resell.
  15. 54212


    I only get a month if I spam the spoilers?
  16. 54212


    I only get a week if I spam the spoilers?
  17. 54212


    Badges of honor, really.
  18. I'm with Jon. The rot has set in too deep. It's going to get near universal stunning-and-brave reviews.
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