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Everything posted by 54212

  1. Its my favorite JRPG. That or the second one.
  2. Well there's the Octopus girl if you're into that. I don't judge.
  3. Was about the shelf the game and then discovered there're tombstones in the game. And I finally found a use for the big neon diner sign. Also made Godzilla giving a lecture on human anatomy to space lawn gnomes. His laptop is pink. Being stuck in the house sucks so bad.
  4. Disaster: Day of Crisis by Monolith, the Xenoblade team. That one was disappointing too.
  5. I've been keeping a close eye on it. I may play it next.
  6. Bad omen that it started as Revelations 3 but hopefully it's being made largely in-house. I'm on board with insanity, occultism, and witches though. I'd love a Halloween-themed RE game. I'm just wondering if it's going to first or third-person.
  7. After Nocturne I swore I'd never play another 60+ hour turn-based JRPG again. I like the atmosphere of the games but I'm not doing it again.
  8. How are the shelves at the grocery stores where you're at? I just went shopping for the first time in ten days. Last time a lot of the shelves were wiped out. It looked like Mad Max. Now they're okay but California being California the cheese and frozen pizza sections are still wiped out. Fortunately the wine supply continues to go strong.
  9. I've been to a lot of funerals including my brother and dad's and I was always stoic about it, but when my kitty died, I held it in my arms as they put him to sleep and tears were streaming down my face. There's something so innocent about them and they're so reliant on you and there was nothing I could do to save him.
  10. I'm so sorry. I had to put my kitty to sleep a year ago and it was brutal. All you can do their last week is treat them like kings.
  11. When I finish Animal Crossing in a few days I think I'll finally get this one next. Intelligent Systems' 3D modelling has always been pretty rough so I expect that coming in.
  12. I didn't even know this was coming out. I liked Bravely Second. Didn't play the first one.
  13. Now I have to leave trash everywhere around the Woke neighborhood because of their homeless problem, and put crackpot signs everywhere around the MAGA one.
  14. I'll ask on GameFAQs. I hope they're in it somewhere.
  15. This sucks so bad. I would kill just to go to Reno right now.
  16. They removed so much content form the game that it's killed the fun for me. I can't even make a funny MAGA vs. Woke village because they removed custom greetings and signs. The best part of AC is inviting the public to your village, having them say, "This is a great looking village," and then having a duck walk by in an SS uniform saying, "Gas the Jews! Do you lift, bro?"
  17. It sounds kind of terrible on paper. It's one part interior decorating and landscaping sim, one part life-your-life game, and one part economy sim lite. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone because it's hard to predict who will like it. It's one of those games. I've played more AC in the past week then I've played video game in the past year and a half. I don't know what it is.
  18. Yeah I always do in AC games. I like designing the village more than anything. I'm not really into the economy sim part of it or the life-you-life part. How far are you in? Do you have the museum?
  19. SW-6046-9177-1807 I already have KK Slider coming to my island tomorrow.
  20. I'm already up to 8m bells. Being stuck in the house is driving me crazy.
  21. From a new National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases study: We set up our garage as a decontamination station. All packages get quarantine in there for 5 days. If we need the goods sooner, we either spray it with Lysol or wipe it down with hydrogen peroxide and then let it sit for a few minutes.
  22. I'm covered. I grew some last year in my veggie bins just to see how it would turn out and it's decent.
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