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Everything posted by 54212

  1. I've been getting ready for this since the start of February. Portable solar chargers, batteries, LifeStraws, water filtration systems, propane tanks, disinfectants, disposable protective gear, N95 masks (I already had two big boxes before any of this happened so no guilt), a mountain of toilet paper and paper towels, booze, tons of raw nuts, and a bunch of boxed and jarred Italian food. If figured I'll use most of this stuff anyway over time so it made sense to play it safe.
  2. This is the one I always listen to. It gives me hope and makes me incredibly sad at the same time.
  3. How can anyone still be this bad at Photoshop?
  4. Laptop/desktop. Typing on a touch screen is dead tedious if you're good at touch typing. And mobile layouts are spread out to compensate for the smaller viewports which slows things down even more. But isn't most BB software these days designed to be responsive and serve up different versions of the boards depending on the users viewport? I've been out of the loop for ages.
  5. I'm not a fan of any of the recent designs. Bayonetta has a pin head 2B looks like a generic goth girl Dante looks like grizzled old trailer trash in DMC6
  6. My Remy Answer: Carpet has an intimacy that hardwood and tile don't, but you can't clean it properly so you have to replace it every few years before it starts to get ripe.
  7. Madness. Porcelain tile with bullnose for bathrooms and kitchens.
  8. I'm really social (all my K-12 report cards: "won't stop talking to his neighbors"), but almost all of my family have died, and a few important people to me have withdrawn from social life due to illness. I rarely feel lonely, but I dearly miss a lot of people.
  9. I wondered how long it would take Low and Remy to start back up.
  10. Yellow Rose was a lot fun. I wonder whatever happened to her.
  11. Kiler7 delayed again. Masses fear its vaporware.
  12. God of War is trash. DMC > Gaiden. Offense is more fun than defense. Metal Gear Rising is one of Platinum's weaker games.
  13. Oops, wrong thread. But welcome back gentlemen.
  14. Jerry's a worm and every few weeks I like to spend an afternoon reminding him why he's a worm.
  15. And here's you diminishing how good of a shot it was, which even Hot Sauce called you out for. LOLOLOLOL "across the room"?
  16. No you didn't. You changed the word from heroic to brave to avoid answering the question directly. And then you avoided the second question entirely. What a coward.
  17. Lying that you answered the questions makes you look like an even bigger coward.
  18. You won't answer the two simple questions because you've been caught completely bullshitting as usual. f Was Wilson a hero? Did he John Wayne the shithead? Yes or no, you coward?
  19. Did Wilson act heroically? Did Wilson John Wayne the shithead? Yes or no?
  20. You won't answer the question because if you do you have to admit you were bullshitting one way or the other. Game over. You lost fagballs.
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