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Everything posted by 54212

  1. Jerry's unemployed and doesn't have $10 or $20 to spare until he donates to the local bloodbank later this week.
  2. You: "No one is a John Wayne." Me: "He didn't get murdered before he had a chance to act heroically therefore he didn't act heroically? Is that your next retarded argument?" You: "Correct." Where you bullshitting when you said no is a John Wayne and Wilson isn't a hero? It's right there. Yes or no?
  3. Then you were bullshitting when you said no one is a John Wayne and Wilson's not a hero? Do you wanna run with that?
  4. I don't know why Cooke doesn't perm him, and the only other person I ever wanted banned on here was the pedo guy way back who did get permed. He's an unemployed retard troll with all the time in the world on his hands to endlessly spam threads with his shit. It just becomes cancer after awhile.
  5. Yeah sarcastically in response to me saying Wilson John Wayned the guy. Or where you bullshitting from the start when you said no one is John Wayne? Pick.
  6. No you cited the 20/20 example as evidence that no one is John Wayne. Jeez you still suck at this as bad as ever.
  7. If Jerry was in Wilson's place he'd either spray-and-pray everyone in front of him or run and hide behind the nearest child.
  8. Jack "John Wayne" Wilson is even more badass than I though. And he wasn't an FBI agent, he was just a former reserve deputy sheriff. From an ABC article: Only dirtbags like Jerry would try to downplay his heroism. What hideous people.
  9. Jerry's entering his usual death spiral: 1. Lose argument badly. 2. Try a bad strawman. 3. Run out of gas 4. Go Peewee Herman with the "I know you are, but what am I?" 5. Go 4Chan incel with the "U mad" 6. Try to start the argument all over again and see if you can not fuck it up so badly this time. Right now we're at #4.
  10. My sides literally hurt from laughing. "Humans can't act heroically because you first need to be murdered before you can act heroically." - The Book of Incel Wisdom by Jerry You just contradicted yourself in the same sentence. "He's not moving...but he is."
  11. He didn't get murdered before he had a chance to act heroically therefore he didn't act heroically? Is that your next retarded argument? 25'-35' away shooting at a moving target and he drops him with a single headshot in under six seconds. First you try to downplay his heroism and now you try to to downplay what a great shot it was because his calm heroism is politically inconvenient for you. That doesn't make you look like a weasel at all.
  12. An experiment with a sample size of 3. Jerry does science. John Wayned his ass under six seconds with a headshot from across the room.
  13. Incel Jerry condoning political violence against young kids who wear baseball hats supporting the US president. What an absolute garbage human being he is.
  14. Some of that art direction is just fantastic. I thought Suda was creatively out of gas but maybe not. Now I'm interested.
  15. It'd almost be worth getting it just to wear this outfit when I take it to the grocery store.
  16. What have you done Elon? These are going to everywhere in the Bay Area. My neighborhood is going to look like a set from that 1980s V miniseries. Eh I'm okay with that.
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