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Everything posted by 54212

  1. Holy shit dude. I had no idea. That's great. Is your channel gaming and animation?
  2. This game is my new quick-and-dirty litmus test on whether I take someone's game recommendations seriously.
  3. Holy shit I just looked up his channel. I was wondering where he went. He should come back, that's hilarious.
  4. Millennials are the fattest generation in modern history. Dude... The hippie granola eating parents where already meme in the 80s.
  5. I've had it since launch and I'm still only 10 hours in. It made a good first impression but then I kinda lost interest.
  6. I really like that it has third-person 3D dungeons that you can explore like in a regular JRPG and that it's fully voice acted, but the maps don't have much variation and it doesn't have the rock/paper/scissors mechanic or a marriage mechanic. Personally I loved the game but a lot of FE fans think the combat and maps are a little too stripped down. And thanks I will do Edelgard's first.
  7. I was leaning towards getting this to play over the holidays but now I'm thinking maybe I'll get FE Three Houses even though I played FE Echoes last holiday season. First world problems.
  8. Sitting at 80 on Metacritic with mixed reviews but scoring high at most of the major outlets. 9.0 GameSpot 9.3 IGN 9.1 GamePro 8.8 GameInforer Eurogamer thinks it's "hollow" and didn't like it. USgamer thought it was too predictable. The main criticisms seem to be that there are almost no dungeons and the ones it does have are short, and the towns are empty Potemkin villages. https://www.metacritic.com/game/switch/pokemon-sword/critic-reviews
  9. Well at least you're showing your true colors. Agism's okay when we do it. So is injecting politics into sports like Nike, ESPN, and Kap but GTFO if anyone else does it.
  10. In the battle between progs and Evangelicals to see who can be more hypocritical, man the progs are leaving the Evangelicals in the dust. If generalizing about identity groups is grounds for being fired, every progressive on the planet would be homeless. Intersectionalism's very foundation is making generalizations about identity groups.
  11. They've only said it's coming sometime in 2020 to the PS4 & X1 and they're going to port it themselves.
  12. Child preachers are creepy as hell and this one's straight out of that American Gothic painting.
  13. Written by a SJW who also gave the world this gem.
  14. Just watched part of the Giant Bomb video. A walking sim that's 60 hours of fetch quests in an C&P open world with multiple endurance meters sounds like complete Hell to me.
  15. The funniest part about the progs' white supremacy bogey man ploy is how many of them have fallen for their own bullshit and whipped themselves into a D&D moral panic over it. "The Russian bots and the alt-right are rigging the Rotten Tomatoes average for Watchmen! Haven't you been listening to Maddow?!"
  16. 54212


    Rails against capitalist greed while preaching socialist economic equality. Net worth of at least $2m, owns three homes including a dacha and rental property, refuses to voluntarily pay more than the current income tax rate set by Trump, and then when he gets a half million windfall, he donates less than 1% to charity. He's the perfect hero for a grifter like Incel Jerry.
  17. 54212


    You just got annihilated as usual and now you're REEeeing from your Sperg-Go-Round like you always do.
  18. 54212


    Let the record show that Incel Jerry has again ducked the question. The answer is $44k according to BernieTax.com. That's how much more Comrade Bernie would've paid, and we know from his past statement that his ideal tax brackets would be much higher still. Instead he donated less than 1% of his 2018 windfall to charity. Less than 1%. Comrade Bernie rails against capitalist greed while buying three homes and choosing not to pay what he is arguing is his fair share of income tax. He's almost as much of a fraud as Incel Jerry.
  19. 54212


    Let the record show that Incel Jerry has ducked the question. Bauk-bauk-bauk To answer your question, he's a 1%er hoarding wealth in the face of systemic poverty while preaching socialist economic equality. Next question, Incel Jerry. This is a two-parter so please stay focused: Comrade Bernie's declared income was $550k in 2018. How much more in federal taxes would he have paid if he has been taxed at the rate he's currently proposing for others? And why didn't he donate the full difference to the US Treasury or charity?
  20. 54212


    Yo, Incel Jer, in your article, how much did Politico say Comrade Bernie is conservatively worth?
  21. 54212


    Incel Jerry's so upset that I'm pointing out Comrade Sander's hypocrisy he's coming right out of the gates with his sperg essays. Comrade Sander's three homes are each worth ~$500k. The dacha he bought in North Hero, VT using in part his wife's unearned inheritance money is worth ~$650k alone. - You don't need to own two homes to serve in Congress. Fellow communist grifter Sandy Cortez doesn't currently own any homes. Expect that to change now that she's making real money. She's already splurging on the $300 haircuts. - You can freely donate to the US Treas
  22. 54212


    It's always the same. Like how Bernie railed against millionaires and billionaires, but then when he became a millionaire with three houses, he stopped railing against millionaires. Last year he only donated only $19k off of $566k in income. Nothing's been stopping him from paying what he considers a fair tax rate on his income either.
  23. 54212


    You have a problem with communist China?
  24. 54212

    Road rage

    When people tailgate me I slow down to a crawl.
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