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Everything posted by 54212

  1. 54212

    Who saw Joker?

    They're all critiques of the film. I don't understand how that's anything other than a distinction without a difference. But if you want to do this, I just pulled up Salon to start with and we're already off to the races:
  2. 54212

    Who saw Joker?

    And the irony of the leftwing press rooting for a rightwing incel to shoot up a Joker screening is that the Joker's followers in the film are leftwing Antifa incels like Jerry. But don't let that stop you, guys.
  3. It's getting even funnier. The Lyndon LaRouche camp is claiming it's their troll. God I love politics right now.
  4. Jerry embarrassed he tried to throw a life line out to his fellow incels.
  5. Jerry turns to his imaginary peanut gallery for emotional support.
  6. Jerry when he's turning into a Dril corn cob 1. U mad 2. U posting like Jon 3. You posting like Ghostz
  7. Pygmy with acne scarring that makes Edward James Olmos cringe. 40-something with no job who parasites off his poor brother. Wanna-be know-it-all who doesn't even have his GED. Keep going?
  8. Replace the cat with a pug that has a nasty skin condition and this reply starts to make sense.
  9. You tried to claim the argument was settled when you were misusing the term too? That doesn't make you look like a sperg at all.
  10. You sperged over it for 3 pages and even made lists about it LOL! And you had no idea what the term even meant LOL!! It's a perfect Jerry thread.
  11. You tried to dunk on MF for 3 pages over the term when you don't even know yourself what the term means. I love how karma constantly rapes you.
  12. I took a break from Astral Chain to start up Link's Awakening and I must've played through the Gameboy version more times then I remember because everything is instantly familiar.
  13. I didn't say you did. I assumed you answered MF's question in the spirit it was asked, unlike Jerry whose insecure autism caused him to go Vocabulary Nazi and try to dunk on MF--one of the most harmless posters on here--only to airball it into the stands again.
  14. At least you realize your complete lack of self-awareness is the funniest part.
  15. And poor Hot Sauce having loser sycophants like Jerry orbiting him. I'd immediately reach for the can of Raid no matter how much praise they tried to put on me.
  16. Jerry doesn't even know basic bitch econ terms like monopoly.
  17. "Well a monopoly is a company that's in the Top 10 market share for an industry."
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